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Topic: Tools for Testing Game Graphics and Quality Assurance

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Joined: 2010-03-15, 16:23
Posts: 945
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Location: New York - USA
Posted at: 2011-10-19, 20:25

Testing new building models for the game has always been challenging. This is especially true for enhanced buildings that first require their initial buildings to be constructed (for example a deep mine needs a regular mine to first be built). SirVer has recently provided a great help for gauging the size and placement of all buildings for all three tribes. With revision # 157, three new maps and scenarios have been added to the "graphics/tools" folder in the media branch. They can be found in the "all_building_maps" zip file. These maps, to be run in scenario mode, are not for game playing, but each includes every tribe's buildings with roads placed as close as possible.

To use them, unzip the maps into your local .maps (hidden in Windows) folder. Start Widelands and select Single Player, New Game. You should find the maps toward the very bottom of the list of maps because they are 8-player versions to demonstrate every player color for each building.

I'm still working on something that can be used right inside Blender to approximate the road positions in relation to the rendering stage, but for now we still have the trim box to at least guide the size of the model within the view of the camera.

I invite you to try out these new maps. If nothing else, they are a great example of scenarios and lua scripting for building placement. face-smile.png

Hats off to SirVer for this fine tool!!! Thank you!!

I see little people.

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