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Topic: Barbarian Seafaring Graphics

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Posted at: 2012-01-14, 18:32

Seafaring has arrived in WL for ALL of the tribes and is no longer the sole realm of the Atlanteans. :) This thread is intended to be exclusively for the discussion of the development of graphics for the Barbarian seafaring objects, (i.e. ships, harbors, shipwrights, etc.)

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Posted at: 2012-01-14, 18:46

While the fantasy nature of the Atlanteans leaves the design of their vessels at the whim of the graphicians, the Barbarian tribe is based on the ancient Germanic tribes, but it is often associated with the Norsemen, or Vikings. Therefor, I have been thinking of developing large Viking longboats that will serve for both the military and trade. The longboats utilized both sail and oars and can be scaled for specific uses if needed. Of course we may have to eliminate the traditional display of shields along the gunwale because our tribe does not make use of them. face-wink.png

What do you think? Any other ideas?

Edited for accuracy. (see below) face-smile.png

Edited: 2012-01-14, 20:17

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Joined: 2011-06-12, 20:24
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Posted at: 2012-01-14, 19:18

I definitely agree that Viking ships is the way to go. Then again I might be biased :p

chuckw wrote: Of course we may have to eliminate the traditional display of shields along the gunwale because our tribe does not make use of them.

It's a bit of a shame since the shields are a known characteristic and would probably add some nice details. Then again it would be rather silly if the barbarians sailed around with shields without utilizing them in combat.

I guess due to size restrictions, a dragon head at the bow is out of the question. Though I think it would be possible to get one of the fancy spirals at the stern. See (1) for an example of how they looked.

I also think oars (with animations) would be a nice touch.

1: Oseberg_ship_-_IMG_9140.jpg (Remove the space between Fil: and Oseberg. It was added because the forum would insert a smiley there otherwise :O)

Edited: 2012-01-14, 19:20


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Posted at: 2012-01-14, 19:55

@hjd - I had already copied a number of images of the Oseberg ship
in researching details for my model. The spiral(s) will definitely be incorporated and maybe a dragon head will work. We'll just have to try it out, won't we? face-wink.png

Note: Links to URLs still seem to work for me. Make sure you omit a space between the right bracket and the left parenthesis. example: [ l i n k ] ( h t t p : / / w w w 4 . c l i k p i c . c o m / c h r i s j o n a s / i m a g e s / V i k i n g % 2 0 L o n g b o a t s , % 2 0 O s l o % 2 0 6 0 0 . j p g )
To display a linked graphic, put an exclamation point (!) in front of the left bracket. Cheers!

Edited: 2012-01-14, 19:59

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Posted at: 2012-01-14, 20:00

Just as note: The barbarians are inspired by the Germanic tribes, not by the vikings - actually I already planned to implement a seperate "northmen" tribe based upon the vikings, with reindeers, honey wine and of course dragonheaded long boats... anyway I see no problem in giving the barbarians long boats - so just to clear up the "original inspiration source" (from what I heared in the last 6 years)

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Posted at: 2012-01-14, 20:13

Nasenbaer wrote: Just as note: The barbarians are inspired by the Germanic tribes, not by the vikings - actually I already planned to implement a seperate "northmen" tribe based upon the vikings, with reindeers, honey wine and of course dragonheaded long boats... anyway I see no problem in giving the barbarians long boats - so just to clear up the "original inspiration source" (from what I heared in the last 6 years)

I stand corrected. face-shock.png
Thanks, Peter. Of course, the Barbarians are modeled after the Germanic tribesmen. I knew that, but I think the horned helmets temporarily threw me down the wrong path. The Viking ships are very tempting. face-smile.png

Any suggestions regarding specific details for the ship(s) are welcome. Also anyone is invited to point me to examples of more appropriate ship designs if there are some.

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Posted at: 2012-01-14, 20:38

Here is a link to an image of a "model" of what is believed to be a 7th century Anglo-Saxon ship burial discovered in Sutton-Hoo of Suffolk county England. The Angles and Saxons were both ancient Germanic tribes.

Note the similarity in the shape of the hull to the traditional Viking longboat. (We just may have to leave off the dragon head and spiral tail. Sorry hjd.)

Edited: 2012-01-14, 20:44

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Posted at: 2012-01-14, 20:39

Well I think the main problem is, that the Germanic tribes aren't really famous for seafaring (while the vikings are) - (I actually do not have a lot knowledge concerning germanic seafaring history, but) I am not even sure, if the germanic tribes did real "seafaring" apart from fishing boats and similiar smaller boats.

Btw.: good to read from you again Chuck face-smile.png !

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Posted at: 2012-01-14, 20:53

Nasenbaer wrote: Well I think the main problem is, that the Germanic tribes aren't really famous for seafaring (while the vikings are) - (I actually do not have a lot knowledge concerning germanic seafaring history, but) I am not even sure, if the germanic tribes did real "seafaring" apart from fishing boats and similiar smaller boats.

I admit that the Sutton-Hoo model is mostly guess-work on the part of the archeologists based on what little material they actually unearthed at the site. Still, the Angles and Saxons didn't just swim across the channel to get to England now, did they? face-wink.png

Btw.: good to read from you again Chuck !

It is very good to be read by you again, Peter. face-smile.png

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Posted at: 2012-01-15, 23:23

FYI - I discovered this illustration which happily includes details for BOTH a Viking Ship and a Roman Galley!
It is the closest thing I can find to a dimensional plan. It even includes hull cross-sections for both ships.

Work has begun on the Viking ship model. I am patterning it after the ship in the illustration. I'm also planning on basing the Empire ship on the information for the Roman Galley.

Here is how the longboat currently stands:

Still have to add sail, decking, stanchions for the deck shelter, rigging and maybe even an anchor. face-smile.png

Of course materials must still be assigned to the various surfaces to give it more color and realism.

What do you think of this approach? I'd like to hear all of YOUR ideas and comments.

EDIT - In case you were expecting a long, thin Viking ship, my research tells me the shape of this Viking hull is indicative of a "coastal trader". There is your history lesson for the day. face-smile.png

Edited: 2012-01-15, 23:31

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