Topic: Coat of Arms: The Empire
PkK |
Posted at: 2012-02-24, 09:54
I admit that there is not much historic precedence for attacking swans in coats of arms though (at least compared to all the other animals or even non-attacking swans). There are a few exceptions though, such as this one: From a reference to Lohengrin, through the 15th-century counts of Rieneck ( and the counts of Hanau, there is a present-day district coat of arms featuring an attacking swan: Philipp Top Quote |
chuckw Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2012-02-24, 13:26
I really like the depiction on the second coat of arms. So much so, that I may work up a version of the empire ship with the swan on the stern in a more aggressive pose. Cheers! I see little people. Top Quote |