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Topic: New Port Buildings

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Posted at: 2012-03-03, 20:33

Empire Port #2

Some refinements:

  • enlarged (and enrobed) the statue (Hey, it's got to be chilly up there even with the fire bowl!)
  • widened the south door
  • added first and 2nd story doors on the west wall
  • extended roof slightly over balcony
  • added hoists on east and west walls
  • lit the firebowl

Here is a nice BIG image for you to appreciate the details, but remember it will NEVER be this big in the game. face-wink.png



Though it is the same material used in other empire buildings, I may tweak the wood so it doesn't appear so "Lego"-like. We still need some military element(s) and some player color (maybe on the tall tower), but what do you think about this one?

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Joined: 2009-02-28, 10:08
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Posted at: 2012-03-04, 08:59

I think structurally the building is now perfect.
The wood could use the color from the current Imperial trainingscamp, which is somewhat darker.
For some strange reason, it looks different compared to the other buildings. But I cannot say why. It has a sort of "shadowy" look.
Is the lighting already final? It seems to be missing the lighter tones. The firebowl is not really a light source, or is it?
Probabably this is because there is no south-western wall in this building. Have you tried the podest for the statue as round, non-tapered structure? May help to lighten it up a bit.

Being no programmer, I apologize for all my suggestions that imply undue workload and for other misjudgements due to lack of expertise or relevant skills.
I am on Win32, have no means to compile, and rely on prefabricated distributions (Thanks to Tino).

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Posted at: 2012-03-04, 13:29

Astuur wrote: The wood could use the color from the current Imperial trainingscamp, which is somewhat darker.

The following draft uses that material.

For some strange reason, it looks different compared to the other buildings. But I cannot say why. It has a sort of "shadowy" look. Is the lighting already final? It seems to be missing the lighter tones.

Yes, The lighting is final. I use the standard lighting setup that is in our empty_building_template for all the models I render. Many of the other empire buildings were not rendered via the template which results in subtle inconsistencies, a matter I mean to correct eventually.

The firebowl is not really a light source, or is it?

Not yet. What you see here is the material of the fire, but without a lamp.

Have you tried the podest for the statue as round, non-tapered structure? May help to lighten it up a bit.

Haven't tried it yet, but I will. Thanks.

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Posted at: 2012-03-04, 13:37

Empire Port #3

Here is the image as it appears in the game: ep3ig

I've used a darker material for the wood and added a crenelated wall around the pavement.

The game-size png: ep3gs Hot Spot of 51 84

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Posted at: 2012-03-04, 14:15

Empire Port #3b

Round pedestal and lamp added for fire. ep3b

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Joined: 2009-10-07, 14:01
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Posted at: 2012-03-04, 19:34

The building looks really good! I like the round pedestal for the statue. Maybe you could try a kind of cone with a larger diameter at the bottom. Like you did for the square in the big image, but keeping the basement plate underneath as it's visible in image 3b.

The stripes on the pedestal in playercolor are fine, I don't have an idea where else to put them. I don't think flags on the square towers would be a good idea. This could distract attention from the statue.

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Posted at: 2012-03-04, 21:04

Oh, I think both ports look really good face-grin.png I'm impressed by the level of detail.

I liked the square pedestal for the statue better though. Maybe it's because it was square, which seemed consistent with other parts of the building (the foundation, balcony, the two mini-towers or whatever they are called on the roof). The circle shape just looks a bit out of place to me.

Suggestion: I would really like it (for a working animation or whatever) to have empire statue's flame flicker and perhaps have the rope move somehow.

For the atlantean port, we might have the light pulse or fade in and out. The light already have a somewhat eerie sense to it, but then again I am not sure whether we want the port to be slightly spooky. Still looks great, though.


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Posted at: 2012-03-04, 23:39

Empire Port 3a - 3d

Thanks everyone for your input.

Here are the latest variations on the statue pedestal together for comparison:
3a 3a 3b 3b 3c 3c 3d 3d

My personal favorite is 3d. IMHO, the pedestal in 3a reminds me more of Egyptian or Babylonian architecture and is out of place with the rest of the structure, and (sorry, fuchur) I agree with hjd that the round (3b) pedestal and also the conical one (3c) are inconsistent with the geometry of the rest of the building.

Regarding animation, I do intend to animate the beacon crystals and fires of all the ports, though that probably will not happen before the Build17 freeze.

Unless there is a great uprising against 3d, I'll push that to the game and move on to the idle image of the barbarian port for now and build sequences for all the ports after that.

Any objections?

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Joined: 2009-02-21, 18:17
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Posted at: 2012-03-05, 00:13

yeah!!! face-smile.png I am as well for 3d - that's why you use blender, right? face-wink.png

no seriously, I like the squared look of the statues body much more than the round ones. and 3d looks a bit more consistent than 3a :).

thanks Chuck for another great piece of art!!! face-smile.png

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Posted at: 2012-03-05, 03:47

Empire Port Building now in game

The new empire port building ep3d has been pushed to the trunk with bzr rev #6283

We can address any further tweaks to it if needed for Build 18

For those who may wish to try them out before getting the latest compile:
Edit: Use a Hot Spot of 51 84
idle_00.png idle ... idle_00_pc.png pc ... menu.png menu

Now for the barbarian port...

Edited: 2012-03-05, 03:49

I see little people.

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