Topic: Icons for the website

Joined: 2010-03-15, 16:23
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Posted at: 2012-04-04, 22:37

General News / Announcement #2

I changed the angle to better distinguish the megaphone.

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Posted at: 2012-04-05, 10:37

The different colour of the WL logo background makes the parchment look a bit strange. Can you try to adjust the parchment colour?

And the fact, that the parchment is straight in the upper part but not in the lower, seems odd, too.

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Posted at: 2012-04-05, 15:46

General News / Announcement #2 revised face-smile.png

Thanks for keeping me honest. face-wink.png


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Posted at: 2012-04-06, 19:52

Tournament News (maybe?)


What do you think?

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Posted at: 2012-04-06, 21:22

Chuck, you are awesome.
What is the guy in the upper left corner doing? He's a bit creepy.
And I really love how the pictures turn out, when they are rendered with AA turned on using the Catmull-Rom filter face-wink.png

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Posted at: 2012-04-06, 21:39

aber wrote: Chuck, you are awesome.

Thanks! For some reason, I like the sound of that. face-smile.png

What is the guy in the upper left corner doing? He's a bit creepy.

face-grin.png I'm undecided as to whether he is just bored, or tired, or maybe he just lost. face-wink.png

And I really love how the pictures turn out, when they are rendered with AA turned on using the Catmull-Rom filter

Thanks for your comment. I actually turn over-sampling (anti-aliasing) off when I render the scenes. It actually yields a better result in the game engine.

Edited: 2012-04-06, 21:59

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Posted at: 2012-04-06, 21:43

Security News


Do they look mean enough? face-wink.png

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Posted at: 2012-04-07, 21:58

Venatrix wrote:
Another thing about icons on the website: There was a discussion about the "unread posts" icons quite some time ago. Is there someone, who could provide better alternatives for them?

I have worked up some potential icons for the forum folders and posts:
Original "folder_new" (unread): ofn Original "folder" (read - has animation to depict scrolling text): of

New Candidates:

folder folder folder_closedeye fc folder_eye fe
folder_star fs folder_doc fd document doc
document_closedeye dc document_eye de document_star ds

I propose the following:

  • folder_star fs or folder_doc fd could be used to designate a thread with new, unread posts (I could even combine the two to superimpose the star onto the folder_doc button. fds)
  • folder folder could be used for threads with no unread posts


Edited: 2012-04-07, 22:02

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Posted at: 2012-04-07, 22:22

Smileys ?

I was browsing through the website media folder and discovered media/img/smileys.

I know we can use face-smile :), face-sad :(, face-smile-big :)), face-grin face-grin.png and face-wink ;), but I cannot figure out how to invoke some of the others including face-angel, face-crying, face-devilish, face-glasses, face-kiss, face-monkey, face-plain and face-surprise.

Any ideas as to how to use these, or are only some of them functional?

Edited: 2012-04-07, 22:23

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Joined: 2010-10-05, 20:31
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Posted at: 2012-04-07, 23:00

Regarding the folder/post icons: I must confess, that I like at the current ones that the paper is not straight but looks like laid on a table or sailing in the air. face-wink.png But I remember, someone said, he thought it was a loaf of bread, so that don’t has to be the optimal form.

From the new ones I prefer the folder_star/folder in the forum overview and the document_star/document in the thread view.

About the smileys: I found

  • face-angel: O : - ) (O:-))

  • face-crying: : ' - ( (:'-()

  • face-devilish: > : - ) (>:-))

  • face-glasses: 8 - ) (8-))

  • face-plain: : - | (:-|)

  • face-surpirse: : - O (:-O)

My try of face-kiss (:-*) is unfortunately not correct, for face-monkey I don’t have a clue. But there’s one, I’m missing: face-tongue.png

Edit: How do I get face-smile-big?

Edited: 2012-04-07, 23:01

Two is the oddest prime.

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