Topic: Adamant's Questions
Adamant Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2012-10-23, 16:01
I started to create a new Tribe. Focus is Complexity of Econony. Problem_1: Re-Store of Products in ProductionSite I want a SawMill to produce two different Types of Goods: Planks and Beams. (done) I want the SawMill to produce Planks from Trunks and Beams from Plankgs. That works but the Plankgs produced from SawMill don't get stored into the SawMill but get transported firstly into the WareHouse and then return to the SawMill. How can it get solved? Edited: 2012-10-23, 16:04
Ivan the Terrible is dead .. Genghis Khan is dead .. and I do not feel well, too. Top Quote |
Posted at: 2012-10-23, 17:50
This will most probably not work with the current widelands engine. When a resource is consumed, the immediate result is a request for a new ware of the type, which is then fulfilled from a warehouse. When a resource is dropped on the flag, it is "surplus" and going to the warehouse. You could try the following: Your work scripts should do the following in sequence: ---START OF BUILDING SCRIPT--- ---START OF WORKER SCRIPT--- worker creates the plank, then returns to the flag (where he might be able to drop the plank) ---END OF WORKER SCRIPT---, then the plank is consumed ---END OF BUILDING SCRIPT---, immediately creating a resource request. I can't promise that it works. You can just try it. CMake is evil. Top Quote |
Adamant Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2013-02-03, 13:11
What is necssary to increase Number of TerrainTypes per World? I did trie tp merge three given World-Classes to have more Freedom with mainly TerrainType but there I found as Limit 16. I did try to change Sourcs on straight Way (removed Limitation for Reading more 16) and Binary failed IIRC by SegmentationFault - no simple Way to chain other Locations where that matters. IIRC I did also enlarge DataStructure to keep TerrainTypes to 256 - may be void Entries was the other Problem - it's about half year ago since I tried. As simple Wish formulated: Please extend to 32 resp 256 and allow free Entries with Flexibility to left arbitrary Num of Entries empty. Eg. use 16*Tabs with 16 TerrainTypes to cover 256 possible TerrainTypes. Ivan the Terrible is dead .. Genghis Khan is dead .. and I do not feel well, too. Top Quote |
hjd |
Posted at: 2013-02-03, 19:11
There is a wishlist bug report on adding support for more terrain types. Look here more details and discussion. Ships! Top Quote |