Topic: Building Resources


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Joined: 2009-07-20, 04:08
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2009-07-20, 04:27

Hi there, I'm new to Widelands, but I've been editing for other games in the past, too, and I like Widelands face-grin.png so I have to use the Editor.

One of my Problems now is, that I want to make a "perfectly playable map" with more than enough of any resource. But I don't really understand how to use gold, iron, etc. resource or rather the value of the minerals. The Tutorial tells me, that there is one for in/decreasing and one for set. (I hope that it is correct, that the german "Wert ändern" is the in/decrease value, isn't it ? ) But how do I exactly use that values to make the most mineral available at one place ? And does it have any effect to klick several times on the editor to create more mineral available ?

Another question is: what about a possibility to make the transport on the streets faster ? (like the donkeys at settlers 2 ? )
[ Edit: Oops, the last question is in the wrong thread, sorry ]

I hope not to ask too many questions, Greetings, Tiger face-wink.png

Edited: 2009-07-20, 05:00

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Joined: 2009-02-21, 18:17
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Location: Germany
Posted at: 2009-07-20, 08:01

Hi tiger,

first of all welcome to the forums. face-smile.png

I hope that it is correct, that the german "Wert ändern" is the in/decrease value, isn't it ?

do you use German translation or is there a German text somewhere in the English version? However you are right with the translation.

But how do I exactly use that values to make the most mineral available at one place ? And does it have any effect to klick several times on the editor to create more mineral available ?

Yes, clicking several times increases the value further (until the pyramidical icon is shown - that's the highest value).

In most cases I set resources like this:

  • Selecting the resource I want to set
  • highering the editingarea (pressing "2", "3" or "4")
  • "moving a bit" with pressed left mouse key over the mountainarea I want to set up resources for.

You will see that setting resources this way is much faster. And as you normally want to set a "field" of the same resource and not "statistically spread" resources over the whole mountain, this should work quite fine face-smile.png

Another question is: what about a possibility to make the transport on the streets faster ? (like the donkeys at settlers 2 ? )

Yes quite often requested and there will be a similiar feature in some time face-wink.png



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Joined: 2009-07-20, 04:08
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2009-07-20, 14:57

Thank you very much. Yes, I use the german translation (cuz I'm from germany face-grin.png ). You may change "Wert ändern" into "Wert der Änderungsrate", I think that may fit better.

Does the "in/decrease value" say, how fast the material is taken away from the area ? Or what exactly is the difference between the two values ?^^

Sorry for asking silly questions :D Greetings Tiger face-wink.png

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Joined: 2009-02-21, 18:17
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Location: Germany
Posted at: 2009-07-20, 20:37

Hi Tiger,

Lol this is a feature quite new to me as well face-grin.png - Have not noticed someone implemented it.

However: The first one allows you to set a "+/- value" that will be added/removed from the locations you click on - it's a "fine tuning" tool. (btw. removing works via pressing STRG (CTRL) while clicking)

The second one is for setting a value directly (with holding ALT while clicking) - you can click on a location as much as you want, it will still only set the value once.

So yes "Änderungsrate" sounds better, however it's not the best word in this case face-wink.png ... let's see we'll find a better translation face-smile.png



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Joined: 2009-07-20, 04:08
Posts: 9
Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2009-07-20, 21:04

Ah, ok, I thought the first value is for something else, so Änderungsrate may not fit XD

So, If I understood it correctly, if I set the first value "Wert ändern" to 63 (max) and the "Set-value" to 63, too,(so also the "Raw-value" and the "fine-value") that should give the maximum mineral placeable ?

I didn't want to criticize the translation, it's very good I think.

greetz, Tiger

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