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Topic: alternate graphics


Joined: 2009-02-19, 14:18
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Posted at: 2013-06-02, 11:51

if that is the case, how about learning blender and taking on chuck's legacy?

Hail to Chuck! I don't want to invest my Time in mastering Blender to archive Results in Days good Blenderian can do in Hours but do what I can do in Hours other need multiple Days and that's Informatic,Math,Physics,Structures,Analysis,... Summa sumarum all that what is essential also for Programming.

You are welcome to hack on the code as well, of course! Note though that in the core team of coders (those that have each contributed > 20% of the code base) we have a masters degrees in physics math and engineering, a PhD in Engineering, a PhD in math and plenty of coding experience (I am a professional working for Google since 6 months, however I got there face-smile.png ). And there are plenty of programmers contributing too in the project right now - not saying your skill set and analysis skills are not useful, but it is much covered in the team already. So if you want to be really, really useful, either dig down into the source or (even better!) learn blender and pick up where chuck had to stop.

Edited: 2013-06-02, 11:53

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Joined: 2009-02-28, 09:08
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Posted at: 2013-06-03, 19:46

Welcome and thanks for the ideas! Just two little remarks from my side, Björn:

Icons: They would certainly mean quite a change and me (maybe others) may need a little time to get use to them.
Having said that, I like them. They're clean, well chosen (i.e. their meaning is clear) and they look nice.
On the other hand, the restriction to just one color (more or less) seems like a bit of a loss to me.

Maybe I am a bit squeamish in this respect, so better wait for other comments on this matter:
I personally don't favour using distinct religious symbols (i.e. the cross) that are exclusive for one religion.
In this context I like the idea of a tombstone better.
I'd also have a scruples using such a typical-prize-winner's_goblet for "Kills" - a bit macabre for my taste.
I admit that the laurel wreath that we now have is hardly much better. face-smile.png

I'll try them out in game ... also the terrain tiles, if I find the time.
I'll do some screenshots as well if I succeed. It will make any judgement a lot easier to see it in the proper environment.

Being no programmer, I apologize for all my suggestions that imply undue workload and for other misjudgements due to lack of expertise or relevant skills.
I am on Win32, have no means to compile, and rely on prefabricated distributions (Thanks to Tino).

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Posted at: 2013-06-04, 11:24

Thanks. You are right about the cross. Maybe I will change it into a skull. A gravestone is a bit unclear, if you make it that small without a cross or any other religious simbol. The winnersgoblet is a winnersgoblet, because in the german translation this statistic is called "wins" and not "kills". If I have an other idea I will change it.

No need to apologize...;). I made my graphics for my mate and me. I just want to share them with the community to let you choose. But I'm not disappointed, if they don't find their official way in the game.

If you could post a screenshot to show my icons in the game, I would be thankfull.

Lieber einen Lebkuchen, als einen toten Keks!

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Joined: 2009-02-28, 09:08
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Posted at: 2013-06-04, 18:18

BjornKeks wrote:

If you could post a screenshot to show my icons in the game, I would be thankfull.

here it is!

Björn has cleverly named all his files correctly, so exchanging them is just a matter of copy and overwrite (Clear hidden Attribute first).
Easy enough for everyone who wants to see them in game. And I encourage those interested to do so!
I'll leave it like this to get a feel for these icons in game.
My first impression is, that they might look a bit too clean and modern for a game that has "antique" content.
The gold is fine, also of course that the style is consistent game-wide, but if it looked a bit more "handforged" with some engravings and ornaments it might fit better into the setting. That is to say, I feel it should somhow fit Chuck's houses a bit better.
On the other hand one might argue, that the user-interface may will be modernistic, even for a game with such a content....
Well, I cant make up my mind so far face-smile.png

Being no programmer, I apologize for all my suggestions that imply undue workload and for other misjudgements due to lack of expertise or relevant skills.
I am on Win32, have no means to compile, and rely on prefabricated distributions (Thanks to Tino).

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Posted at: 2013-06-04, 22:42

sorry, messed up the post...

Edited: 2013-06-04, 22:48

Lieber einen Lebkuchen, als einen toten Keks!

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Posted at: 2013-06-04, 22:48

SirVer wrote: if you want to improve on stuff that is available in 3d, like the buildings, animals, trees and so on, please use our blender workflow and stick to it. If you prefer to do 2d art - there is plenty to work on in Widelands as is. Of course, if you only want to change graphics around for your own pleasure, you can do whatever you want. But you will not impact Widelands much then - which would also be a shame, because we'd love to have better art face-smile.png

Sorry, I did not see your post back then. Of cause I understand your concern. If you have one Art-Style you have to stick to it or it will be a mess. I'd love to do some "useful" art for the game, but I also want to change all of the buildings and trees for my own pleasure and for my mates who plays with me . As I said before, I will not be disappointed, if my art won't find it's way into the game. But I think, I did good and useful on the greenland textures. Maybe you like them too. They are seamless and not as pixeled as the ones before. Just look: I tried blender... but I find it a horrible program... I used to work with cinema 4d a few years ago and did some nice things with it, but blender... I tried a really simple thing for 1,5h... with the manual (that's like having to look up into a recipe to cook water), but then I gave up. It's not my thing and cinema4d is a bit too expensive ... If you need some 2d art, just tell me what you like to have and I look into it.

Thanks Astuur! I don't know, why my ubuntu refuses to take screenshots... I hope, I'll figure it out, after I worked over the buildings, to present them in a better way for those of you, who want to but them into their game-version.

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 14:18
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Posted at: 2013-06-08, 12:15

My deepest respect for your drawing skills and patience. However i find the one color style to be not a big improvement over what we have right now. It reminds me of the road that mac os took - first everything was nicely colored and really easy to distinguish. Now everything is gray and looks the very same to my eyes.

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Posted at: 2013-06-09, 11:27

Well, thats a matter of taste. I like it, when things are less colorful, so I made the icons one color :).

What do you think about my textures? The old ones appeared in my game very pixeled. The ones I use now are much smoother.

Lieber einen Lebkuchen, als einen toten Keks!

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Joined: 2012-10-11, 15:21
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Posted at: 2013-06-09, 16:25

I like if the Icons are clear (not "is it a dot or a point?") and non-ambigous (not "a looks like b") and each Meaning to realize that (as long as it doesn't violate Asthetic or use in an exeggeradted Manner Cyan) - eg COLORS (... well, it's about Perception of Light and Identification by Shape and Color and Move) is rather usual for archiving the Objectives to identify quickly and safely what it is (at best by seeing what it means .. perhaps covered by Term 'Pictogram') and avoid Confusion with similar looking Icons. I don't need a Bucket of Color for an Icon to differentiate between a Tree and a Horse but if there are two diff. Tree-Icons they need a clear distinctive Feature. I like Asthetic as well and can't decide if I prefer .. "the Icons are nice but crap due to I can't differentiate them" or "these ugly Icons are excellent to differentiate". Happily Asthetic and distinctive Features don't exclude each other. face-smile.png Fir Björns Icons I can state I can differentiate them well and find them rather astehtical but all but the perfect can get improved.

Ivan the Terrible is dead .. Genghis Khan is dead .. and I do not feel well, too.

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 14:18
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Posted at: 2013-06-10, 17:12

I have not tested the other textures yet, but I put it on my list. This list is very long though currently due to the server move :(.

I hope other people will voice their opinion as well.

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