Topic: New Website Design


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Posted at: 2012-11-08, 18:41

I did not access the new page over the link, as I did not find him. Maybe add the link to the first post face-wink.png

And I am eager to see the new page replacing the current one. face-wink.png

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Posted at: 2012-11-09, 13:02

borim wrote: I did not access the new page over the link, as I did not find him. Maybe add the link to the first post

I did so

And I am eager to see the new page replacing the current one.

So am I, but there is a lot of work to be done in the background, as the new website will run on a new server and with new software. Hopefully this will help to increase performance and give room for new features. In the meantime feel free to test the new website on and find all bugs and missing features face-smile.png

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Posted at: 2012-11-09, 17:12

@Shevonar: I have found just a couple places in need of editing:

  • On the Registration Page: reg The word "send" should be "sent".

  • In the registration email confirmation:

    "You (or someone else) requested an account on . If this weren't you, please ignore this email. It this were you, please click on the link provided below... "

should be changed to use the singular form of "you" and read

"... If this wasn't you, please ignore this email. It this was you, please click on the link provided below..."

  • And there is a section title in the Map Downloads page that is in German map

Looking good otherwise! face-wink.png

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Posted at: 2012-11-09, 20:08

chuckw wrote:

@Shevonar: I have found just a couple places in need of editing:

In the registration email confirmation:

"You (or someone else) requested an account on . If this weren't you, please ignore this email. It this were you, please click on the link provided below... "

should be changed to use the singular form of "you" and read

"... If this wasn't you, please ignore this email. It this was you, please click on the link provided below..."

And there still is a typo in the second sentence: "If this was you,…" instead of "It". face-wink.png

Two is the oddest prime.

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Posted at: 2012-11-15, 19:59

Okay, I fixed the typos in trunk. They will still be on the website until SirVer updates the alpha page.

The German category name on the screenshots page is set in the admin panel which I cannot access. So this must also be fixed by SirVer. However it is only on the alpha page, as there is no category "Umbenannte Kategorie" on the main website. I think this is no big problem.

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Posted at: 2012-11-16, 08:39

I updated the alpha website.

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Posted at: 2013-01-14, 17:50

What is needed to launch the new and fresh design? I want it.
On a side note, the site seems to have some speed issues... now it seems faster...

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Posted at: 2013-01-14, 18:00

aber wrote: What is needed to launch the new and fresh design? I want it. On a side note, the site seems to have some speed issues... now it seems faster...

Maybe I should explain, what SirVer and I plan to do (or actually wanted to have done last year): Because of speed issues and some other reasons we decided to rent a new server for the new website. This server will also have new server software. We will switch from Apache to Nginx because it is much faster in most cases. This all needs some time which I currently do not have. I am sorry for that. However you can be sure that I also want to see the new website live and will try to make it happen in the next months. Then the old server will be shut down anyways and the new website MUST work until then.

Edited: 2013-01-14, 18:00

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Posted at: 2013-02-20, 23:20

Great work face-smile.png

Are you interested in testusers?

When will the migration from old to new will be done?

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Joined: 2010-03-15, 16:23
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Posted at: 2013-06-11, 15:59

Congratulations on the implementation! Thank you for the great work, Shevonar and all those who contributed!

I see little people.

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