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Topic: alternate graphics


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Joined: 2013-05-22, 18:33
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Posted at: 2013-06-12, 20:21

Thanks Adamant for defending my icons :). But I understand SirVer, when he does not like them. They are very clean and in order. If someone does not like that, my icons are not for him to like. But as I mentioned before.... if there is a need for colourful pixelart icons, you could ask me too. Just say what you need. The same goes for campain pictures... or just point me into the direction, where I can find the "wishlist".

I'll continue to make my own optical version of widelands and I'm happy, if someone likes that style too, but I won't force my graphics onto anybody.

Thanks SirVer for putting my textures on the list.

Does anyone know a way to prevent costom graphics from beeing deleted with every update? Because the more I make the more annoying it gets to replace the original ones.

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Posted at: 2013-06-13, 07:11

Aah, this burden. With chuck as elder of graphics he had the vision and made the graphic decisions. He has the eyes for this stuff and the knowledge to decide what fits and what doesn't. I am notoriously bad with graphics and visual style, so I do not really feel qualified to decide which graphics should be in the game and which should not - so we need as many community members to voice their opinion as possible so that we can come to a consensus.

Bjorn, the approach you are taking to graphics is the right one - just fix what you think needs fixing. There is no list in the sense of the stuff that needs work - such a list would be very hard to maintain too. fraang has been doing most 2d stuff, you can contact him via pm and ask. He is likely the one that remembers best what should be worked on.

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Posted at: 2013-06-13, 12:20

Maybe we could add a poll-function in the forum to make such decitions... With "list" I ment what graphics are needed for new addons like the whole thing with the seafare. All the other graphics I change, if they don't fit within my vision of the game ;). But I would also like to be a more official help. But not with blender... I can not stand working with that program ;).

I'll contact him about the 2d stuff, thanks.

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Joined: 2012-10-11, 16:21
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Posted at: 2013-06-13, 18:15

I suggest Vote by DownLoad. face-smile.png The generic have just to be alright but may be the best. DL can be just Matter of Taste or ArtWork or anything. I would like to hear Chuck's Opinion as well. If we don't consider Vote or Replacement we need an AddOn and may consider a Way to include its Features into GUI (eg "Theme CookieStyle" or that similar via GUI (as putting this there and there is IMO for a Player like screwing on a Car due to he want to drive it with better Wheels). If I have as Player to take the ScrewDriver due to I want to install an AddOn than I don't feel like a Mechanical but like somebody who have to repair a broken Car aside of the Road - no Matter if I can or cannot screw it. However, the Poll aside of DL interests me as well as Players can more easily press the "I like that"-Button than screw their WL-Installation to use new Cookie's GUI-Icons. It's a Matter of Comfort - I don't screw all I can.

Ivan the Terrible is dead .. Genghis Khan is dead .. and I do not feel well, too.

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Posted at: 2013-07-01, 19:33

Hey, guys.

I made some new stones for the greenland!

If you like them, I'll pause redoing all the buildings and will create for every world fitting stones.

I don't know how to post a picture in the forum... so just have a look at !

Maybe the stones won't fit the official textures... I don't know, because I use mine, which I find much more pleasing for the eye ;).

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Posted at: 2013-07-01, 20:50

Your skill is amazing 8). But as mentioned, putting 2d graphics in the game means that you would need to stick around forever and do all the graphics for the game :/.

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Posted at: 2013-07-01, 21:36

SirVer wrote:

Your skill is amazing 8). But as mentioned, putting 2d graphics in the game means that you would need to stick around forever and do all the graphics for the game :/.

Thanks :). So the old pixel-piles of rocks were made in blender too? Well, I think everyone with a medicore drawing skill could do those rocks, or the other stuff I made so far. For the character portrait I used pixar for a reference... If I'm not interested in WL anymore an other one with some drawing skills could do the same pictures and the difference won't stick out.

It's like with blender... someone who can't do 3d modelling or simply despises blender ( like me face-wink.png ) can't continue the 3d models in he requested quality... there is not much of a difference if you think about it.

If I would have the great skills of the painters I addore, that would be real luck, to find someone, who can do the same, but I'm just medicore and medicore painters are out there like sand at the sea ;).

Maybe you reconsider using my graphics. But I understand if you prefer sticking to the 3d-stuff.

For future editing, I could give you the original photoshop files too. But they are quite huge if you pile them up (speaking about data size). face-wink.png

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Posted at: 2013-07-02, 06:52

Ahh, being around the project for ten years, I can guarantee you that your assessment of the situation is wrong: 3d does indeed transfer much better from person to person - learning the tools is involved of course, but then the artwork that is created has the same look and feel pretty much (also, textures and so on are reused and keep the style consistent).

2d artwork is very different. We had some talented 2d artists before, but their style was very different and you could clearly see which graphic was made by whom (and in which period of widelands development). The skill that you describe - i.e. imitating a 2d style that was already there - I never saw this once :). Maybe it is that artists do not want to follow an established style when they are painting just for fun or maybe the skill is much rarer than you think. Also, finding 2d artists who are interested in working on Widelands has always been very difficult. I was directly contacting artists on devianart before but without luck.

Having chuck work on the game for so long and so consistently has really been a blessing....

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Joined: 2013-05-22, 18:33
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Posted at: 2013-07-02, 22:53

That's too bad... If they ignored the other pictures they were bad artists or just ego-people :).

Well then, my graphics will stay by my mate, me and forum-members who also prefer my art :). I see WL as a nice project for me, which keeps me working without the need for a founding idea. face-smile.png

I hope my textures get a chance, because the pixel-look of the old ones are not fitting the rest of our nice game ;).

Maybe many DA-Artists like to have money for their art... I just like the fun :D.

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Posted at: 2013-07-06, 18:14

Okay, I am through with testing the textures now :). They show your skill without any doubts, but they have some serious flaws: the less pixely approach makes the borders between tiles even more prominent, your meadows do not go well with each other, and your mountains are very similar.

For comparison, I uploaded two screenshots here:

Your proposal:

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