Topic: Map Contest: Questions, Answers and Discussions


Joined: 2011-11-24, 00:22
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2013-07-18, 23:52

SirVer wrote:

Solstice wrote:

Why map uploader isn't accepting my map? Is there something wrong with the uploader? I made an improved version of my recent Australia.wmf, which would be a candidate in the contest.

What is the error you see? You might need to rename your map to Australia1.wmf. Do not worry about clobbering up the maps section, we can manually clean out the ones that should not stay around later.

The problem is that once I've clicked the upload button, It just says that there is no selected map, which was there before clicking the upload button. Uploader notes are still there, but selected map gets lost to somewhere. And yes, I've tried with renamed map too. The problem is still there after the bug fix got done.

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Posted at: 2013-07-19, 06:53

That sounds like a serious bug. Could you open a bug report on launchpad: Very important information would be here the OS you are using and the browser (at which version). Also, can you try uploading another map?

I tested on chrome and there everything works as expected.

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Joined: 2012-01-30, 09:42
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Posted at: 2013-07-25, 13:22

Is it possible to define a custom win condition to a map? I tried looking at wl lua documentation, but after few moments of reading I am still unsure. A custom win condition could be used to make the issue with lack on naval invasions go away.

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Posted at: 2013-07-25, 15:13

teppo wrote:

Is it possible to define a custom win condition to a map? I tried looking at wl lua documentation, but after few moments of reading I am still unsure. A custom win condition could be used to make the issue with lack on naval invasions go away.

Jepp, that's exactly the way to go to handle the problem of islands completely owned by opposing players.

Basically you've got two ways to go:

  • Create a dynamic win condition that takes care about the island problematic for every possible seafaring map - this would be great for widelands, but I fear it is much harder to create than the following.
  • Create a scenario script for the map that does not really have to contain a story (but of course can, if you like), but the initial set up of the players and the win condition handling - this might be easier as creating a dynamic win condition, as you can be sure about the terrain, player position and all the other placements on your map.

Concering the scenario scripting: Widelands differs between singleplayer and multiplayer scripts (init.lua vs multiplayer_init.lua). For example take a look at "The green plateau" (Plateau.wmf) for an example of a single player script and at the maps in "maps/MP Scenarios" for multiplayer scenarios.

You can basically create either a single player, a multiplayer or both scenarios for a map. If you want the single player scenario to be the same as the multiplayer scenario, either copy the one file to the other one or save the logic to a third file (e.g. "win_condition.lua" and call that file from within the multiplayer_init.lua as well as from the init.lua (for how to call/include functions from another file, take a look at lines 52-53 of maps/MP Scenarios/Smugglers.wmf/scripting/multiplayer_init.lua -> use("map", "texts") ... )

Edited: 2013-07-25, 15:14

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Posted at: 2013-07-25, 20:54

whatever solution we come up with it will likely only be temporary either way. One day we will need some kind of warfare from ships I guess.

Note that settlers two had this problem as well and they just didn't address it at all.

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Posted at: 2013-07-26, 10:12

After some thought, it would make sense if a map would carry its default win condition. I guess that many people use default, and endless game is not my favorite win condition.. Territorial lord could make sense in many multi-island maps, for example.

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Joined: 2012-10-11, 16:21
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Posted at: 2013-07-26, 15:46

teppo wrote:

After some thought, it would make sense if a map would carry its default win condition. I guess that many people use default, and endless game is not my favorite win condition.. Territorial lord could make sense in many multi-island maps, for example.

I won't consider EndlessGame as WinCondition but as No/None/Null-WinCondition. However, I won't consider that Condition at first Order at Matter of Map but Matter of Player-Profile resp MultiPlayer-Profile: what Configs the MultiPlayer want to take as Standard for his Configuration from where starts to customize the Config. As at Present no MP-Profile exist to left there that Feature covered at 1st Order I agree that a Map-Config for Things like these are usefull eg. to offer an MP-Profile-Item "Use Map-Default" as Standard-Setting. With or without SP/MP-Profiles Map-WinConditions more complex/different than Stadard-WinConditions are reasonable. So I support Teppo's Suggestion. However, Special WinConditions were possible before inside Campaigns. If we assume EACH MAP to be (a Kind of) SingleScenario resp SingleScenario-Campaign than there exist AFAICS already a Mechanism to add WinConditions. What misses for a Map to be formal a Scenario (aside of any sophisticated special additional Scenario-Logic resp same for) resp SingleScneario-Campaign? We don't have to do Things multiple Times - if we gneralize the Matter as there exist just Campaigns - no Matter what Number of Scenarios/Maps are inside as Kind of Compound - we got all we need but a comfortable (Map-Editor-) Way to define such basic Properties of a Scenario (as Standard-Behavior). Thus I vote finally to drop Scenario/Map as incomplete Campaigns, extend the Map-Editor to PlainCampaign-Editor which mainly have to learn few Things about Scenarios and Campaigns (as a Kind of Folder for multiple Maps if ever) and some Code to deal with the WinConditions in a (whatever blunt or comfortable) Way to let the (previous) MapDesigner (now formal Campaign-Designer :D) select between several Standard-WinConditions - same Matter like the Player have to select each Time before starting the Map the MapDesigner selects in Editor a single Time. Well, its my personal Opinion and any random Commonalities with other CrewMembers are incredible and I wont be able to reason them.

Edited: 2013-07-26, 16:10

Ivan the Terrible is dead .. Genghis Khan is dead .. and I do not feel well, too.

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Joined: 2012-01-30, 09:42
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Posted at: 2013-07-27, 07:15

So I support Teppo's Suggestion

Adding the possibility to attach a default win condition to maps would probably be very easy to do. However, I am unsure whether it would be fair in the middle of a map contest, and so.

As at Present no MP-Profile exist to left there that Feature covered at 1st Order

I did not get -- could you be more specific: What should be in a MP-profile?

Maybe the win conditions should be discussed more somewhere else, and done right instead of doing it in quickly. Tight deadlines in a hobby project are bad. Would you happen to know when win-conditions (and MP-profiles) were previously considered? It might be useful to read that discussion thread before continuing.

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Posted at: 2013-08-09, 19:38

Just for your information:

the user fk found a small bug in our map uploader, which is not yet fixed. If you try to upload a map that has the same name (as shown in Widelands) as a map already uploaded, the uploader will behave as if no map file was selected for upload. This happens mostly if you try to upload an update of one of your maps.

For now the only workaround is to change the name in the Editor (e.g. adding a "1.1" to the name)

Note: the actual file name does not matter - the problem is with the internal name shown in Widelands.

For more information, see bug #1210606 on launchpad.

Edited: 2013-08-09, 19:39

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Joined: 2011-09-05, 21:28
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Posted at: 2013-08-10, 22:25

Nasenbaer wrote:

Just for your information:

the user fk found a small bug in our map uploader, which is not yet fixed. If you try to upload a map that has the same name (as shown in Widelands) as a map already uploaded, the uploader will behave as if no map file was selected for upload. This happens mostly if you try to upload an update of one of your maps.

For now the only workaround is to change the name in the Editor (e.g. adding a "1.1" to the name)

Note: the actual file name does not matter - the problem is with the internal name shown in Widelands.

For more information, see bug #1210606 on launchpad.

This bug is also fixed by now. It is still not possible to upload maps with the same name but a warning should be displayed. In the future it should be possible to upload new versions of your maps (bug #357914) but for now you have to add some version number to the name.

I also want to thank all of you for finding those bugs. Sorry for the inconvenience during the map contest!

Edited: 2013-08-10, 22:59

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