Topic: Chat does not work on (X)Ubuntu

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Joined: 2010-05-22, 12:34
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Location: Winterhill, Swabia, Germany
Posted at: 2013-09-28, 12:28

Hai all,

yesterday for the game in the tournament i used the chat under Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 9, with worked flawless and without any configuration - just log in. (I'm not shure, if the Flash Player is installed, i think not cause i use this OS only to play!)

My everyday used machine got dualboot and normally i use Xubuntu 12.04.3 LTS with an up-to-date Firefox 24.0. The webchat on is a black window without interaction at all! Looks like the applet is not working, but i myself do not know, which applet is required... Flash Player possibly? Or is there a known problem with Add-ons, which blocks the chat? (NoScript is turned off)

So a small hint for the people, if the chat does not work would be appreciated - or at least a small list of tested browsers and plugins you need.


* Dell X58 *
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Joined: 2011-06-12, 20:24
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Posted at: 2013-09-28, 12:47

Hi, thanks for letting us know.

We are using Freenode's webclient for connecting to the IRC channel, for those who for various reasons doesn't have installed (or access to) a dedicated IRC client. Could you please try directly to see whether it works from their site?

Could you check with another browser? The wl chat page is working as expected in both Opera and Chromium. It doesn't appear in Firefox 24, though. Could someone check with Fx24 on a different operating system, as I'm running Ubuntu too, and if someone still has Fx23 how it looks there?

When you say a black window, are you talking about the page background or a different black space in place of it? To me it looks like the iframe won't be displayed in Firefox for some reason.


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Location: Winterhill, Swabia, Germany
Posted at: 2013-09-28, 13:23

Thanks HJD, vor your fast response.
Shure the XChat which is installed works for me and i'm in the chat at this moment - but it should work for people who does not know how to help themselfs to a working system/chat.

Okay, the Frame itself is there, has another background color and all seems right. But just no text and/or captcha in it...

A short test on a (few :-) VMs gave this result:
upcoming _Xubuntu 13.10_ (beta2 is installed):
- Firefox 24: just the black background with a border
- Chromium 29: the Catcha pops up and at least i'm in the right channel and all works fine

I just finished installing _gNewSense3_, a complete libre OS, with Epiphany 2.30.6 (from the GNOME project) as browser --> works!

_Fedora 19_ with Mate desktop and Firefox 24.0: no chat!

_Windows 8_ with Internet Explorer 10(?): asks: Only secure content is loaded, want you to load the insecure content also?
So this is the point - the captcha has not a secure connetion and this leads to --> Firefox does not load insecure stuff in a secure connection!
(And where can i find the version of this IE under Windows 8?)

_SystemRescueCD 3.8.0_ with Midori 0.5.4:
Captcha is shown, works!

Finally, got the VM with _Windows 7 SP1_ working, it has the IE 10 as browser: works!

Edited: 2013-09-28, 14:05

* Dell X58 *
Xeon W3680 @ 3.33 GHz
M391B5673FH0-CH9 - 12 GB @ 1.33 GHz
R7260X-DC2OC-1GD5 DirectCU II OC
SP900 64 GB SSD = root; ST3000VX000-1ES1 = home; 2x WD2003FYPS-2 = pub
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Joined: 2011-06-12, 20:24
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Posted at: 2013-09-28, 14:08

Shure the XChat which is installed works for me and i'm in the chat at this moment - but it should work for people who does not know how to help themselfs to a working system/chat.

Yes, definitely. It's also a lot more convenient if all you want to do is just ask a simple question. Signing up somewhere or installing some program is an added hurdle.

Thanks for testing. With "other operating systems", I meant non-GNU/Linux, but it is nice to know it has consistent behaviour across distros though. I suspected it was an isssue with Firefox, since it appeared fine in other browsers, but I wanted to know whether it was a Firefox on GNU/Linux or a general Firefox issue.

Windows 8 with Internet Explorer 10(?): asks: Only secure content is loaded, want you to load the insecure content also? So this is the point - the captcha has not a secure connetion and this leads to --> Firefox does not load insecure stuff in a secure connection!

This is interesting. I tried with editing the page content and load the iframe content over HTTPS instead and then it appeared in Fx24 as well.


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Location: Winterhill, Swabia, Germany
Posted at: 2013-09-28, 14:21

Okay, i got the solution for Firefox 24 (and other version i think also)

Left from the URL is a small shield, you can click on it, an small pop up informs the user, that insecure content was blocked. AND there is also a small drop-down menu to change the behavior for this side - then it works!

* Dell X58 *
Xeon W3680 @ 3.33 GHz
M391B5673FH0-CH9 - 12 GB @ 1.33 GHz
R7260X-DC2OC-1GD5 DirectCU II OC
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Joined: 2011-06-12, 20:24
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Posted at: 2013-09-28, 14:49

I looked at the code for inserting the webclient, and from what I could see we shouldn't run into this problem in the first place. Not sure it doesn't work, see the bug report for details.


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Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Posted at: 2013-09-29, 02:53

I mentioned in the bug report why it didn't work before.

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Posted at: 2013-09-29, 11:03

And thanks for testing with all the setups. Does it work now okay on all of them?

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Joined: 2010-05-22, 12:34
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Posted at: 2013-09-29, 13:27

Works for me with Firefox 24 under Xubunu 12.04 and 13.10. Because the other setups worked flawless i did not check them again.

If it would be necessary please give me an exact setup to test (OS and Browser).

Edited: 2013-09-29, 13:27

* Dell X58 *
Xeon W3680 @ 3.33 GHz
M391B5673FH0-CH9 - 12 GB @ 1.33 GHz
R7260X-DC2OC-1GD5 DirectCU II OC
SP900 64 GB SSD = root; ST3000VX000-1ES1 = home; 2x WD2003FYPS-2 = pub
* Manjaro Testing Xfce *

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