Topic: Slovak translation


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Joined: 2010-10-16, 17:56
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Location: Slovakia
Posted at: 2010-10-16, 21:48

Hello! I've decided to translate Widelands into Slovak. As suggested on 'Translating Widelands', I've created Slovak translation dictionary but found bug in the wiki. The diacritics of my language do not seem to be shown properly. See . Please fix it, as I can't continue translating.

Anyway, here is a list of several things I am not sure how to translate:

  • Goldstone > Do you mean aventurine glass - or a gold nugget?

  • Blackroot > There is apparently no Slovak word for it. But as stated on Wikipedia, there is a synonym for blackroot - Culver's root. Shall I translate it to 'Culverov kore?' (meaning literally Culver's root)?

  • Milking Tongs > Are those tongs used for milking cattle?

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Posted at: 2010-10-17, 09:45

Hi MiroslavR

First of all, good to see you started working on the Slovak translation. I am though not completely sure about the translation process - the translation dictionaries are quite new... However the real translation is done on launchpad (here)[] - Slovak is already partly translated a bit, but still far from being finished.

Now to your questions:

Goldstone > Do you mean aventurine glass - or a gold nugget?

those are gold nuggets or even better gold ore.

Blackroot > There is apparently no Slovak word for it. But as stated on Wikipedia, there is a synonym for blackroot - Culver's root. Shall I translate it to 'Culverov kore?' (meaning literally Culver's root)?

It's an invetion of us developers face-wink.png - however either translate it word by word (so "black root") or use the best fitting (i think it would be the plant "Scorzonera")

Milking Tongs > Are those tongs used for milking cattle?

No those are used to milk the spiders for getting spider yarn. Again an invention of us developers face-wink.png



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Posted at: 2012-03-14, 17:12

Thank you for answering my questions. And indeed, you developers are quite inventive. What I have stumbled upon while translating this time is a fernery. According to the definition a fernery is "a specialized garden for the cultivation and display of ferns". So my question is: Is thatching reed supposed to be a fern in the world of Widelands? If not, you might consider renaming that building.



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Posted at: 2012-03-17, 19:52

Bump. Even though it might be of low importance, I don't want this to remain unnoticed for good.

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Posted at: 2012-03-18, 02:13

Let's talk about the technical aspect, if we would rename the building to make it more clear, that reed is a true gras and not a fern.
If we change the translation template, we would have to review every translation and we have to adopt the wiki pages. That would be a lot of work.
Another option would be to adopt the translation itself. If you know a more suitable translation, you can just change the translation in any language you know. I checked the german translation and they use more or less the word „reedfarm“. So, if there was a story you can easily blame the germans.

Best Regards

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Posted at: 2013-10-16, 19:20

Hey, folks! I've finally brought myself to complete the Slovak translation and, as of now, there is only one string left, specifically the lore description of the axe factory/war mill:

"A new Warriors Axe brings forth the best in its wielder – or the worst in its maker."

The problem is I don't quite get the point of that sentence and I'd appreciate if someone could explain it to me, if there is one.

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Posted at: 2013-10-16, 21:34

I think it is actually wrong in English. I would understand it in this way: "A new warrior axe will proof the ability of its wielder - or the bungling of its maker." What do you think about this?

Congrats on completing the translations btw - very well done!

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Posted at: 2013-10-16, 23:43

SirVer wrote:

I think it is actually wrong in English. I would understand it in this way: "A new warrior axe will proof the ability of its wielder - or the bungling of its maker." What do you think about this?

Congrats on completing the translations btw - very well done!

Hmm, that's what I originally thought, but wasn't sure at all. I believe it's correct in English but also unclear and confusing. With that said, I like your version better (by the way, what you probably meant to say is prove). Should I translate it as such straight away or are you going to change the text (despite the current freeze)? Thanks for replying.

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Posted at: 2013-10-17, 01:07

IMO the English is correct - it is supposed to look like a saying, and these can always be a bit difficult to understand.

You can translate with the meaning SirVer suggested.

I also sometimes change the meaning of these things a bit in my translation, as long as I keep the flavour. Especially with the strings that have a rhyme or a bit of poetry in them.

Edited: 2013-10-17, 01:07

Busy indexing nil values

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Posted at: 2013-10-17, 06:52

Hmm, that's what I originally thought, but wasn't sure at all. I believe it's correct in English but also unclear and confusing. With that said, I like your version better (by the way, what you probably meant to say is prove).

Right :). Not a native speaker either here, so mistakes are bound to happen.

Should I translate it as such straight away or are you going to change the text (despite the current freeze)? Thanks for replying.

I think you can translate it as such - I will not touch any strings during feature freeze though, so an update to the English string must wait till after release.

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