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Topic: Remove goods before dismantling


Joined: 2012-10-11, 16:21
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Posted at: 2013-03-31, 14:48

Just a small UpDate that I support the Idea for any Kind of Improvement of that Matter. I would like Dialogs like before and when selected Dismantling Goods get removed as proposed but a new Button may appear to skip Removement of Goods to continue just with Dismantling. Goods which are not limited by finite Resources (I can grow Cereal more and more other than Iron/IronOre which are effectively limited). I would try to recover all Marble what possible or need that Resources due to urgent BottleNeck of BuildingMaterial. However, the new Behavior is probably more often used while the present Behavior is more important when there is an urgend Problem. I won't barter that Ability of Control of Dismantling with the Comfort by Automatization.

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Joined: 2009-04-23, 12:42
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Posted at: 2013-05-07, 23:14

The dismantle/upgrade action could, by default, wait for wares to be removed, but after a second click would then "override" and discard the wares. The dismantle/upgrade icon could be toggled to have a small overlay representing the secondary function. This would require no additional buttons and no additional keyboard modifiers need to be remembered. It would default to "conservative" which seems to be the preferred behaviour, reading other replies in this thread.

I've also thought of a possible improvement with the dismantle feature - the worker(s) immediately abort any work they are doing if the building is set to dismantle/upgrade. I usually want it dismantled/upgraded soon, not wait for the mine to try to get more coal, or one more ration be produced from an inn, before wares are removed.

Example: Default behaviour: Empire inn is full of fish, meat and bread and is operating normally. User clicks "Dismantle", clicks confirmation. Game changes "Dismantle" icon to represent override feature, but is not used in this case. Game sets all of the ware quantity levels to zero. Builder requested to the inn. Innkeeper abandons work and ejects all wares, then leaves the inn. Once all wares are empty, builder begins dismantling.

Over-ride behaviour: Atlantean mill has flour and blackroot flour and is operating normally. User ctrl-clicks "Dismantle", no confirmation needed. "Dismantle" button icon is changed to show override feature. Game sets all ware quantities to zero and requests builder, Miller abandons works and starts to eject wares. User clicks on "Dismantle" a second time. (I would suggest confirmation not required at this stage) Miller leaves site, wares are discarded. Builder arrives and begins dismantling.

Edited: 2013-05-07, 23:19

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Joined: 2009-04-23, 12:42
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Posted at: 2013-05-07, 23:25 Remove wares from a building before dismantling or upgrading

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Joined: 2013-05-07, 18:12
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Posted at: 2013-05-08, 03:10

I think the main problem is that several clicks are needed to order removal of all wares of any sort. If you could just set stored wares in the building to 0 with one click, for example iron if you don't want to keep timber, or max two clicks if you want both, then maybe any time you click dismantle it wont actually be dismantled until all the wares you ordered to be removed is gone. In the case of a building with lots of different wares perhaps a button to remove all would be handy, but the above method would be alot easier for them too so the button is not that critical.

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Joined: 2009-02-27, 14:28
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Posted at: 2013-05-08, 23:29

As for karlrune's objection, we could consider a Ctrl+Click option for the arrow buttons that change the amount to be stored. The option would set the building to empty completely or use the full storage, depending on which of the (already existing!) buttons you clicked. The feature would be "discoverable" via the tips displayed at the start of the game.

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Posted at: 2013-05-09, 10:22

I think this idea is a good one. The user has to do less clicks, he can still decide what he wants to do (remove wares or not) and no more buttons are needed. However, I do not like the Ctrl key. If I miss the button and only click on the window (Ctrl + left mouse), it is minimized. I think this is quite annoying if you want to empty the building/dismantle it without confirmation fast, but then you have to "waste" time to resize the window.

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Joined: 2009-02-27, 14:28
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Posted at: 2013-05-11, 11:48

The conflicting purposes of the Ctrl-modifier key is a good point. I wasn't even aware of this. I do use Ctrl on the destroy button occasionally and to remove longer roads, guess I was lucky enough never to miss with the mouse? face-wink.png

Whatever we end up doing, it should be consistent: either change the window resize to use Shift or Alt, or use Shift or Alt for skipping confirmation and so on in all case.

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Joined: 2013-10-07, 15:56
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Posted at: 2013-10-19, 21:48

At the moment, the dismantle confirm dialog gives us 2 buttons: Confirm/Cancel. How about 3 buttons: Remove wares and dismantle/Dismantle/Cancel instead?

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Joined: 2011-12-30, 17:37
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Posted at: 2013-10-20, 11:28

At the moment, the dismantle confirm dialog gives us 2 buttons: Confirm/Cancel. How about 3 buttons: Remove wares and dismantle/Dismantle/Cancel instead?

For me, this is not a good idea because I normally skip the confirmation (with Ctrl). If removing the wares would not be default, this would mean an extra click (at least for me). Since most people want to empty the building, what about the following way: Remove and dismantle/Dismantle without removal/Cancel (basically as GunChleoc suggested), but removing before dismantling is default (when skipping the dialog). When we do it like that, the player could still decide what he wants, but the (probably) most often used option would have a shortcut.

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Joined: 2013-10-07, 15:56
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Posted at: 2013-10-20, 12:39

I agree that Remove wares and dismantle should be the default option and the leftmost/highest button.

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