Topic: Building materials and requirements


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Joined: 2009-08-20, 12:28
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Posted at: 2009-08-20, 12:58

First off, great game. Looking forward to new releases as they come.

Anyway, on to topic, i found something quite annoying the other day in that I made a mistake with my construction by destroying the barbarian Wood Hardner before a new one was complete. Thanks to the new on-demand system i didnt have a reserve in stock, and the new Wood Hardner was waiting for hardened wood before it could be completed.

Therefore i had a huge economy producing lots of crap, but i couldnt make any more buildings.

Had a similar problem with Empire and marble as well.

Shouldnt there always be a path to the most basic construction items so that unless you have no wood to get even a lumberjack then there is always a path to recover?

eg: Wood Hardner only requires wood, not hardened wood (or planks or whatever).

I admit, i was inexperienced here and made a stupid mistake, but imagine situations where due to enemy aggression you loose your last Wood Hardner but otherwise have a healthy economy, it leaves you pretty much with "game over".

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Joined: 2009-02-21, 18:17
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Posted at: 2009-08-20, 22:00

Hi loki,

first of all thank you for your flowers face-smile.png

About the problem:

On the one side, we implemented a new user interface for Build14, which enables you to set a target quantity for all wares, so the production sites will work until that value of selected ware are freely available in your economy and will directly start again once there are less than those. - Important wares like blackwood have already a highered target quantity per default, so even if you do not set one yourself, the wood hardener will try to keep the value of available blackwood at 20 (or so...)

For building costs:

At least for barbarians and the Empire there shouldn't be a problem. E.G the wood hardener costs 3 trunks and one stone - no blackwood. Of course you can not build a lumberjack out of nothing, but if you forget to build up a lumberjack in time, you surely will losse the game anyways ;).

These things are different for the atlanteans. e.g the farm costs one spidercloth, but to produce spidercloth you need corn. This is a wished feature, as the atlanteans are meant to have a more complex economy and aren't supposed to be played by new players (that's why the tutorials first lead into the barbarians, than into Empire and... well no atlantean campaign yet face-wink.png )

Hope I was able to clear some things up and made you look forward for Build14 face-wink.png

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Topic Opener
Joined: 2009-08-20, 12:28
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Posted at: 2009-08-21, 07:44


Yup, ive been taking a look at some of the upcoming changes and downloaded one of the nightly builds.

Indeed the new system does look a lot better and goes well in hand with the on-demand system.

Sorry i got my building materials mixed up... i think you got the idea though.

Atlanteans sound like a good challenge.

Going off topic here, and is it me or does the AI suffer on some maps more than on others? For example, trying out the map that is shaped like an X, against 3 AI players. None of them were any challenge as they rapidly built the basic items and then seemed to get stuck, either because of lack of space or no marble (which is right at the back of each point of the X through mountains... none seemed to build back through the mountains).

Guessing this is just not a very AI friendly map.

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Joined: 2009-02-21, 18:17
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Posted at: 2009-08-21, 18:30

Hi loki,

yes you are right. The computer player is not that good working on all maps. Generally, the computer player should be much better than the one in Build13. However I wouldn't go that fast to name it an AI face-wink.png


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