Topic: Generalization of PlayModes


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Joined: 2012-10-11, 16:21
Posts: 180
Location: Alemania
Posted at: 2013-04-02, 13:38

I found several Posts about "this works only in a) SinglePlayer b) MultiPlayer c) Scenario but not the other Modes. I propose to consider a straight Generalization in the Way of SinglePlayer is just a SpecialCase of MultiPlayer with n=1 Player and a single Map/Scenario is a MultiScenario-Campaign with SpecialCase n=1 Scenarios and there is no special Support/Code or Mode for different Modi as listed. Don't make Differences where none are or are not necessary or are not reasonable.

Ivan the Terrible is dead .. Genghis Khan is dead .. and I do not feel well, too.

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Posted at: 2013-04-02, 16:12

You Sir, assume a lot about the state of things without much data. I assure you that distinctions are in the code base for reasons - be it just historical ones.

If you feel like some of the paradigms are poorly chosen or an anacronism, feel free to provide patches (or in this case rather merge requests as this will be a huge piece of work) to mend them. Do not assume the coders do not know their work - please.

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Topic Opener
Joined: 2012-10-11, 16:21
Posts: 180
Location: Alemania
Posted at: 2013-04-02, 17:34

I never said Coders would not do their Work. Inverse I said that these small Amount of Coders do a Lot of Work. What Type of Data is missing? What Data is misssing?

Ivan the Terrible is dead .. Genghis Khan is dead .. and I do not feel well, too.

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Location: Germany - Munich
Posted at: 2013-04-02, 21:10

Well, you suggest something in the first post, but you didn't look at the code why this was not already the case - this is missing data. You have no clue why the current state is as is - still you claim to have a better solution. Please, refrain from vocalizing your idea of implementation details in the future, instead provide patches.

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Topic Opener
Joined: 2012-10-11, 16:21
Posts: 180
Location: Alemania
Posted at: 2013-04-03, 16:13

SirVer wrote: Well, you suggest something in the first post, but you didn't look at the code why this was not already the case - this is missing data.

I have to do Code-Research before posting a Suggestion? I have to code it before I can suggest it? In the monolithic Code are surprising Algorithms implemented? A MultiScenario-Campaign don't work with a single Scenario? A MultiPlayer-Mode implies Code&Functions incompatible with Campaign-Mode or inverse? It can't never ever work? Perhaps there is some Relation to an undiscovered Paradoxon in Informatic.

SirVer wrote: You have no clue why the current state is as is -

may be

SirVer wrote: .. still you claim to have a better solution.

Please refe to that Claim.

SirVer wrote: Please, refrain from vocalizing your idea of implementation details in the future, instead provide patches.

I will keep your Idea in Mind. face-smile.png

Ivan the Terrible is dead .. Genghis Khan is dead .. and I do not feel well, too.

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