Topic: Meaning of Editor Forum
Adamant Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2013-06-25, 10:51
What's exactly the intended Topic of the Editor Forum? Everything which get done with an Editor? The Term "Editor" means something likle "working at" resp "processing" something and thus it means effectively "all and nothing" to its including Threads due to almost all is about Editing. If we think we could understand a File-Manager to be not another Type of Editor, than even Threads which doesn't concern to Editor/Editing are put into this Thread like the Thread "How to update uploaded maps?" which is actually positionized at the Top which is about File-Management via NetWork at this HP. Creating a Campaign does not match here as it could include mainly File-Management only (by Integration of existing Stuff) -- a Forum named File-Managing would be analogous to cover all Matters of FileManaging eg for ArtWork, Sound, etc. There are also Threads in this Forum which doesn't concern Editing with an Text-Editor. As almost all here is all about Working at (something) with according Applications the Term Editor Forum as Category is much to much generic as even working with an "Image-Editor" like GIMP would make Grahical ArtWork to a relevant Matter of this Forum. Ivan the Terrible is dead .. Genghis Khan is dead .. and I do not feel well, too. Top Quote |
fuchur |
Posted at: 2013-06-25, 12:45
Quote from the forum overview page: "Discuss the editor, campaigns-in-the-making or new maps in this fourum." Edit: By the way there is a typo in the word forum on that page (ou instead of o). Maybe it should be named map editor forum, because I think that is meant by editor. File management can be a part of map making or creating campaings, but general file management topics will fit more in the technical help forum (IMHO). Edited: 2013-06-25, 12:50
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Adamant Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2013-06-25, 17:12
@Fuchur: Interesting -- never read that Explanations and wonder if that Type origins still from previous HP (...). : I do almost never read those small Description to get the Idea where to navigate next but read Thread-Topics instead to get an Idea about if any Unsureness left. The Argument with File-Management was intended to demonstrate that such Super-categoric Terms are badly suited to fit into a structurized Approach to cover Matter of Development and Application of any Stuff. However, with or without Explanation below the Forum-Name, the explained Problems with the Super-Category "Editor" left. I aggree with you to consider a more specific Naming for that Forum resp rethink the Forum-Structure concerning Game-Content-Development like Maps, Campaigns, together with graphical and audial ArtWork and Content-Programming via CONF and Lua and all together assembled in a SubForum "Campaign Integration". Ivan the Terrible is dead .. Genghis Khan is dead .. and I do not feel well, too. Top Quote |
Nasenbaer |
Posted at: 2013-06-25, 17:56
I fixed the typo and renamed it to Map Editor. @Adamant: there is no need to restructure the forums for different type of game development, as the development of Widelands' main line as well as most graphics and campaigns are discussed on the bug tracker the blueprint tracker, the mailing list and the chat(s). Of course everyone is free to discuss these things in the forums, but as you can see by the topics in our forums, only some of the major futures are partly discussed here - Simply because bug trackers and blue print trackers are much more structured and intuitive for these kinds of discussions and documentation of those discussions. Top Quote |