Topic: [German] Single-digit numbers

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Joined: 2015-02-14, 15:05
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Posted at: 2015-02-19, 12:18

In German, numbers of only one character (e.g. 1, 2, 3 ...) are written in full. But some English strings containing one-digit numbers are translated writing it in full, some not. In my opinion we should try to get consistency in writing them all not in full, since strings with integer replacements won't have it either.

Some examples:

The player with the highest number of wares at the end of 4 hours
Der Spieler, der nach vier Stunden die höchste Punktzahl erreicht hat

The game will end after 4 hours of playing.
Das Spiel endet nach 4 Stunden.

(from scripting/win_conditions/wood_gnome.lua:16 and scripting/win_conditions/collectors.lua:18)

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Joined: 2010-10-05, 20:31
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Posted at: 2015-02-19, 12:55

Hmm… We could make differences between auto generated text and hand made translations. So translations write the numbers full, generated of course as digits. That’s a kind of consistency too. face-wink.png

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Posted at: 2015-02-19, 16:11

Hehe, Transifex doesn’t like that (just to mention it):

Warnung: The translation does not contain the number "3". Please avoid writing it in full.

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Posted at: 2015-02-19, 16:35

We aren't using any autogenerated translations, although Transifex does have that feature. I'd rather have a human double-check everything.

And yes, Transifex does have some automated checks, like for placeholders.

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Posted at: 2015-02-19, 16:49

Venatrix: We could make differences between auto generated text and hand made translations.

GunCheloc: We aren't using any autogenerated translations,

@GunCheloc: I think she (he?) meant strings with placeholders as auto-generated. Like … %i minutes left …, but not … during the past 4 hours ….

Venatrix: So translations write the numbers full ...

+1 for that, IMHO this is a good compromise (I changed my mind face-smile.png ). Now we "only" need to make sure all single-digit numbers in all translation resources are correctly written ...

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Posted at: 2015-02-19, 18:11

Oh, I see. Programmers call the little %2$s %1% thingies "place holders" (Platzhalter), hence my confusion face-smile.png

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Joined: 2010-10-05, 20:31
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Posted at: 2015-02-19, 20:58

Yes, with auto generated texts i meant the texts that are using place holders, as they are assembled together by the code, not by hand.

So we have a consens in writing them full?

BTW, I’m female. face-wink.png

Two is the oddest prime.

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Joined: 2015-02-14, 15:05
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Posted at: 2015-02-20, 12:12

So we have a consensus in writing them full?

I'm happy with that. I'll change some of them as I stumble over it while reviewing ...

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Posted at: 2015-02-20, 12:36

Don't forget to document this in the Wiki face-wink.png

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Joined: 2015-02-14, 15:05
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2015-02-20, 12:45

Don't forget to document this in the Wiki

Of course.

BTW, another issue:

There is great inconsistency in the use of quotation marks. Sometimes the normal English double-quotes are used: " ", sometimes there are these: « » (which is reversed) or these: » « (which would be correct German) but sometimes there are also these: „ “. So maybe we'd decide which to use and document this also.

I would prefer the hardly ever in books used pair: » «. Note the order face-wink.png .

EDIT: Oops, this might concern rather the other thread:

Edited: 2015-02-20, 12:46

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