Topic: I want to organize a tournament for the new build

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Joined: 2014-09-15, 18:35
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Posted at: 2016-09-23, 18:44

EDIT: Now the tournament is announced. I will keep an updated list of those who singed up so far.



EDIT: Now also the maps on which the games will be played have been decided.

Last update: 12 november, 17:00 UTC

16 participants (trimard was counted twice)

king of nowhere
















EDIT: The rules and schedule are ready!


1) pairings and ranking.

  • The tournament will be played with a swiss system pairing ( Basically, first turn is paired at random, who wins get one point, draws (can happen by agreement between the players, or by either players failing to win after a long time) are awarded half a point. For further turns, players are paired against other players with an equal score, so winning will progressively give you harder opponents, and losing will give you easier opponents. Nobody will be eliminated.

  • There will be five turns, unless there are more than 20 participants, in which case the turns will be six. EDIT: full calendar is posted here:

  • The final ranking will obviously be given according to the score. To sort players with equal score, the Bucholz system will be used: the Bucholz score of each player will be calculated as the sum of the scores of all his opponents; a higher score means one has played against stronger opponents. If two players also have the same Bucholz score, they will be ranked according to how their direct game ended, if they did play against each other. Otherwise, the tie will not be resolved. Exception to the whole Bucholz mechanism is for deciding the winner.

  • If there is an odd number of participants, a forfait will be included, i.e. a virtual player who will always lose without playing. If one player retires, a forfeit will be put in his place. So a forfeit is a free win, but since the forfait will lose all games, it will sink your bucholz face-smile.png If there are two forfeits, they will be eliminated.

  • After the last round, if one player leads the ranking alone, he will be the winner. If there are several ex-aequo winners, then they will play a second phase with round-robin rules (everyone plays against everyone else). If that also ends without a clear winner, then direct encounters will be used to break the tie, both from the first and second phase. If there is a tie there too, then the involved players will be declared winners ex-aequo.

  • after the game, the players must send the replay of the game by email to me, at lainluigi86/at/ It is enough for one player to send it, but sending it twice to be safe cannot hurt.

EDIT: - both players must also announce the tribe they intend to play in the next turn. if one does not announce the tribe, he will have to play with the tribe he used the previous time.

2) time schedule

  • Ideally there should be one round per week, but up to two weeks is considered an acceptable delay. Never a turn will last more than two weeks. Therefore, when a round is started, every player is expected to play within one week. Taking more than one week to play will entail penalties, and after two weeks the game will be assigned by the arbitral decision as follows:

  • If two players fail to play within one week, then they will be penalized by -1 point on their bucholz score. If they accumulate 3 such penalties, it will instead be commuted to 0.5 points in the score (so it could make you lose the tournament if you were tied up for the first place). If they still have not played after two weeks, the game will be assigned as lost to both of them. A few exceptions below:

-if it can be demonstrated that the delay was clearly the fault of one player (for example, if one player failed to be there at the appointed time of the game, or if one was only available for very narrow time windows while the other was much more available) then only the player at fault will be penalized. After two weeks, the game will be won by forfait by the player declared not at fault. EDIT: of course, if you failed to play and think it was not your fault - or not only your fault - you should send me some kind of proof that your opponent set an unreasonable schedule. Copy of mailed messages is the preferred method, of course.

  • if two players did play for some time but had to interrupt the game and continue from a reload at a later date, they will not be penalized for taking more than one week. At the end of two weeks, if they produced at least 6 hours of in-game gameplay (taking into account game speed; they can get away with only playing 2 hours if they used 3x speed for example) and they sent the replays to me no later than by 18:00 of the day after the turn expires, and still there is no victor, then the game will be considered draw unless one player has a clear advantage. again, einstein will be the final arbiter for this judgment.

-If one player will notify in advance that he will have problems playing one week, he will not be penalized for going overtime. If he still can't play after the two-weeks deadline, he will be declared loser by forfait, but will not face any more penalties. If you know you cannot play, you can try to agree a draw with another player with a similar score: if you find one willing, I'll try to manipulate the turn so that you can be paired against each other and get a draw by agreement.

-Since I, king of nowhere, cannot be considered an impartial arbiter on this matter, since I will also be a player, einstein13, as an old member who will not play this time, will be the final arbiter for deciding which players should be penalized for tardiness and how to assign unfinished games; he has agreed to this position. Though I will make the first decision in any game where I am not directly involved, anyone can appeal to him if he believes my decision is unfair.

-If one consistently fails to answer communications (i.e. never answering, or never discussing game schedule; missing one message is acceptable) for more than one week, he's considered retired from the tournament.


Tentatively, the schedule should be such:

-13 novemeber: signup closed. -14 november: pairing of first round published. - 15 november to 30 november: first round - 1 december to 15 december: second round - 16 december to 15 january: third round. There will be extra time for this one because many people will go in vacation around christmas. - 16 january to 31 january: fourth round - 1 february to 15 february: fifth round. - 16 february to onward: eventual second phase, if needed.

I don't expect significant delays, since all games that are too late will be canceled and assigned by a referee. In fact, I hope that we can even do better than that, as two weeks is the maximum time to finish.

It's been a long time since I played widelands against humans, and an even longer time since I played against a worthy opponent. therefore I propose that a new tournament be made. And since I was told that the people normally organizing those things don't have time, I volunteer to do the organizing myself. It will also be a good way to beta-test the new version.

I'd like to get some feedback for the proposal. I'd also like to set up a poll on whether to make a solo tournament or a team tournament, and what maps would be most liked, and how many people would roughly participate. Then, unless someone knows a reason why it cannot be done, I will set up an official announcement.

Edited: 2016-11-12, 22:34

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Joined: 2013-10-12, 19:19
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Posted at: 2016-09-23, 18:51

Hello, last time i have speak of make a tournament, the answer was something like "let responsible people to do it, you are not one", and they do nothing.

If you organize a tournament, i'm glad to propose to be a spectator who stream this event on Twitch (if the game work correctly on other OS than Windows 10 and ubuntu 16 with octocore).

I will add news about the tournament on too.

Edited: 2016-09-23, 18:57

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Joined: 2013-10-07, 15:56
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Posted at: 2016-09-23, 21:04

I would try to be around to play this time - so you can all wipe the floor with me face-tongue.png

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Posted at: 2016-09-24, 19:59

Well, i hope some more are interested to play, or there's not much point in doing it face-sad.png

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Posted at: 2016-09-24, 22:05

I am interested in playing! I think an announcement for the tournament is also in order. And I will try to find players interested to play too.

I think it makes sense to wait a few more weeks for the rc-1 of build 19. that will give us the best test data - so the tournament can be fun and useful! What do you think?

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Posted at: 2016-09-24, 22:58

It will take a bit to organize everything anyway, so by that time we will probably be on RC1 anyway face-smile.png

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Joined: 2013-07-29, 00:01
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Posted at: 2016-09-26, 00:05

For 90% I can't participate face-sad.png But I will be glad to see all the replays! face-smile.png Especially the winners of last tournament face-tongue.png

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Joined: 2009-04-05, 19:28
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Posted at: 2016-09-26, 18:23

Hi! I would like to be a player in the tournament. In the last tournament, it was sometimes really hard to find appointments with 4 players. So single player is easier to organize and there is less risk that games are not played for timing reasons.

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Joined: 2014-09-15, 18:35
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Posted at: 2016-09-26, 18:39

Kristin wrote:

Hi! I would like to be a player in the tournament. In the last tournament, it was sometimes really hard to find appointments with 4 players. So single player is easier to organize and there is less risk that games are not played for timing reasons.

that's a pity, because i was thinking of something innovative for the first phase like "4 people play free for all, the winner and the last one to due pass the turn" (probably a bad idea cause it would encourage ganging on the stronger player. would need working on it) or "4 people play 3v1, 4 games, everyone play as the 1 one game, the one who survives the longest passes the turn" (if one actually wins 1v3 he obviously passes. if two win 1v3... how the hell could that happen? it requires a guy who won 1v3 to lose two opponents, gain two allies, and lose against a guy who lost againsth him despite having two allies) or "4 players A, B, C and D play 3 games as team AB vs CD, AC vs BD, AD vs BC, the player who individually wins more games passes the turn".

It's somewhat boring to only play duels. but i understand logistic difficulties, especially when different time zones are involved.

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Joined: 2013-10-07, 15:56
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Posted at: 2016-09-26, 18:44

If we have 4 participants in common time zones each, we could do the first round as teams and maybe do the later rounds 1v1?

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