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Topic: Suggestion of new "Unit": Spy


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Joined: 2009-12-29, 22:47
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Posted at: 2009-12-29, 22:58

I can remember from a later Settlers game (could be Settlers 4), that there were spies, just like the geologists, which could be sent to a flag at the border and ordered to spy (remove the fog of war) for a certain area around the flag. Of course it would be possible for soldiers to see and attack the spy. It would enhance "trench warfare" tactics in narrow maps. What do you think?

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Posted at: 2009-12-30, 00:39

Nope, I am against further enhancing warfare. Widelands is not about warfare and military tactics are to be on a absolute minimum that. Widelands should focus on economic complexity. Thanks for the suggestion though.

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Posted at: 2009-12-30, 11:37

I accept your view on that topic. I also agree on the general idea that we don't need catapults, for example.

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Posted at: 2009-12-31, 13:04

It was on Settlers II, and they were called "Scouts". His only action were explore dark zones around frontiers. With Widelands fog of war working, I think that could be usefull to have this unit to explore areas of expansion before building a militarysite to conquer that land.

I think that a "Scout" could be usefull for economic expansion because one could explore the zone and then choose if the new land is valuable or not. But having an "Spy" is completly out of context here, the scout remove dark zones but not fog of war.

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Posted at: 2009-12-31, 13:24

I can remember that those spies (or scouts) did not only remove the "dark zones" (permanently) but also the "fog of war" (temporarily), one could see which buildings the opponents had.

On the other hand, how do you explain that a scout can see the land, but not the buildings on it? :-) Maybe it's possible to say the scout can see that there are buildings, maybe even the size (small, medium, large), but cannot recognize its purpose, not even whether it is civil or military, or if it is functional or not. How about that?

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Posted at: 2009-12-31, 17:31

I think I did not explained myself. I think that having a scout is good to explore land. But land explored by scout should be fogged automatically, I mean, the scout will see that there is a militarysite, or a road, or whatever, but you should not be able to attack because is not in line of sight of your buildings.

So, scout will reveal mountains, rivers, trees, and buildings, but will be under fog of war. I think that this could be possible to achieve. What other devs and players think?

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Posted at: 2009-12-31, 19:52

Shouldn't he remove the fog of war as any other worker? When a geologist starts walking around, the fog of war is removed (only if there is any) around him (but it appears as soon as he moves anywhere else). The same should go for the scout.

I think that's how it should work (and that's how it works right now, just that there are no scouts).

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Posted at: 2010-01-01, 11:20

Soeb wrote: Shouldn't he remove the fog of war as any other worker? When a geologist starts walking around, the fog of war is removed (only if there is any) around him (but it appears as soon as he moves anywhere else). The same should go for the scout. I think that's how it should work (and that's how it works right now, just that there are no scouts).


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Posted at: 2010-01-01, 13:52

If is done this way, then a fast player could send an attack out lof line of sight of his buildings, I think that this is not desirable by other developers because a player can attack with no reply. It would make a game a bitter tactic, where good reflexes can decide the game.

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Joined: 2009-12-29, 22:47
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Posted at: 2010-01-01, 15:23

Well, together with "seeing the enemy" you still need military buildings near enough. The attack area of "military buildings" is far bigger than the visibility area, though, so that would make it possible. Maybe one can "reveal" the military building of the attacker to the defender at the action of attack, so that the defender at least knows where they came from? Wouldn't help counterattacking, though...

CMake is evil.

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