Topic: Aeriagames
Creative997 Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2010-01-16, 21:13
Hey everyone, I wanna suggest you a site where you can find some good games. What kinda games are here? Here is a summary: fantasy mmorpgRole Playing Game in a world, created with a "medieval" taste with magic or something. You can meet,trade, talk and playing together with others to kill some mobs (mob = animal or object to kill)
Martial arts mmorpgrole playing game, but in form of using martial arts. like Japanese fight techniques.
Social mmorpgThis is a role laying game that focus on social life, like SIMS but with another players
Another genres
by xybolt More info: Im a 2 years member of aeriagames, old member of Project Torque, the Massively Multiplayer Online Racing Game. You will find many gameplay video on youtube and on other video portal. Why I suggest it? Because there are helpful, friendly members, a really good community, and having lot of fun. Here is my one of the first video about a fun in Project Torque (made for a celebration ) Official PT video: Another trailer by MoRpHiN_cz: (MY FAVOURITE) Slo mo by addyduss: (ANOTHER FAV) And what is important: FREE TO PLAY Thanks for attention! See ya there! Creative997 Edited: 2010-01-16, 21:21
Top Quote |
Posted at: 2010-01-17, 11:58
"Free to play" as in "as long as you don't care to lose against the people who pay". I believe it is not the best way of advertising to place ads of commercial game sites in a forum of a Free and Open Source community game. I consider this spam. CMake is evil. Top Quote |
raistware |
Posted at: 2010-01-19, 10:00
Me too. Top Quote |