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Topic: Multiplayer options & winning conditions


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Joined: 2010-03-14, 22:28
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Posted at: 2010-03-14, 23:08

First of all I want to say that you did a really good job. I love playing widelands.

But I have some critic at your multi-player-mode:

  1. Through playing multi-player with a friend I noticed that winning conditions are missing. There should be the possibility after hosting a game to set winning conditions. Some could be: kill the enemies main building; capture all enemies territories; time limit, best economic wins; ....
  2. The next thing I would like is that the host could set a speed before starting the game and the game speed can just be changed by voting during the game. And for those who want the host to have the full force there could be a tick.
  3. Another thing that could be nice are teams. So i could play with my friend against two computers.

By the way savegames should be saved at every computer in a multi-player session. You could prevent abuse by a time of 5mins to do another savegame.

In general you should consider to make a login system instead of this strange self-naming.

I really like the gameplay but sometimes, if you are not very good, you can get stacked by having no wood or no quarry. You could add a possibility to trade with opponents or to swap wares with a neutral player.

Also I would like to see the harbour again, but I am not sure if it would fit in the widelands concept, because its makes the game very complicated and I remember some problems with ships.

So I hope that I get soon an answer about what you think about that points and which could be integrated in widelands.

regards improvemultiplayer

Edited: 2010-03-14, 23:13

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Joined: 2009-02-21, 18:17
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Posted at: 2010-03-15, 00:08

Hi improvemultiplayer ;),

I just give a short answer for now - bed is calling face-wink.png

Through playing multi-player with a friend I noticed that winning conditions are missing. There should be the possibility after hosting a game to set winning conditions. Some could be: kill the enemies main building; capture all enemies territories; time limit, best economic wins; ....

This is planned and will surely be added in the future

The next thing I would like is that the host could set a speed before starting the game and the game speed can just be changed by voting during the game. And for those who want the host to have the full force there could be a tick.

Setting the speed before game start seems unimportant for me - however setting the speed is already implemented (like in singleplayer with page up / page down keys.

Giving the host more might is a nice idea, but fot such stuff we would need a host user interface... let's see, perhaps that gets implemented in some time

Another thing that could be nice are teams. So i could play with my friend against two computers.

As well planned, but not yet implemented

By the way savegames should be saved at every computer in a multi-player session. You could prevent abuse by a time of 5mins to do another savegame.

Savegames are already saved at every computer face-smile.png (autosave) - if you talk about the problem of savegame sending: In next release maps and savegames will be automatically send, if one of the client does not have that file.

In general you should consider to make a login system instead of this strange self-naming.

Already implemented in current development version -> Build15 face-smile.png

I really like the gameplay but sometimes, if you are not very good, you can get stacked by having no wood or no quarry. You could add a possibility to trade with opponents or to swap wares with a neutral player.

We thought about it and it's quite possible, that it gets implemented in some time... let's see.

Also I would like to see the harbour again, but I am not sure if it would fit in the widelands concept, because its makes the game very complicated and I remember some problems with ships.

Definitely planned, but unfortunally still far away... there are other things that need fixing/implementation before.

Hope I was able to give some useful insight - even in such a short form face-wink.png



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Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Location: Germany - Munich
Posted at: 2010-03-15, 11:35

There is a blueprint for winning conditions which needs writing[1]. It will be implemented using the new lua system that lands in build16. So this will take some more time.


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