Topic: bakers wont work
StephenDedalus Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2009-03-21, 22:57
My baker (and some others, like my charcoal burner) won't work, even with full supplies. If I disconnect the road connecting the baker to the rest of the roads, he'll start working, then I reconnect the road and he gets more supplies and then stops working again, so I have to repeat. Any suggestions? Top Quote |
spoc |
Posted at: 2009-03-22, 13:56
Maybe the same?: Top Quote |
RWise |
Posted at: 2009-03-22, 14:17
The charcoal burner will not work if you have stock of coal or working coal mine/s. Do you have taverns that need bread? no demand no bread,,,, Top Quote |
Haz |
Posted at: 2009-03-24, 15:13
I had the same problem. But I don't now. I did two things. Either may me the solution. First I went away for a while and when I came back my Bakery had started working. Secondly Before I went away I upgraded my Tavern to an Inn. I think this is what did the trick. Top Quote |
madtumat |
Posted at: 2009-03-24, 18:10
This is an issue that can be fixed or eliminated in conf files if you choose to edit them yourselves. If you open the conf in Bakery folder, you will find a line something like: return=skipped unless economy needs bread either comment this away like using a sharp symbol in front of return=skipped unless economy needs bread or just eliminate it completely. Of course, there is a down side to this. If you eliminate such commands for all buildings that use wheat, they might all have trouble functioning. If you choose to edit the conf files as so, then you must manage the building yourself. If you like managing the economy more directly, this is the way to go. NOTE: conf files may be hidden at first when you open the folders! Maddy Edited: 2009-03-24, 18:11
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