Topic: Challenge. Beat impact in less than 1:43


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Posted at: 2010-04-22, 14:44

The rules are like this:

You are barbarian and the two computers are also barbarians with a headquarter. You need to beat my record of destrying all enemy miliary buildings in less than 1 hour and 43 minutes. This was my third attempt. My times were like these: - 2:27 - 1:54 - 1:43

These are "game times" that I see when I try to load the savegame (saved right after winning). I did not use the speed up function, so I believe this time is correct. Does anyone know how the speed up function would impact this time?


Edited: 2010-04-22, 14:44

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Posted at: 2010-04-22, 16:52

On my forth attempt, I got it down to 1 hour and 20 minutes.

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Joined: 2009-02-19, 15:18
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Posted at: 2010-04-23, 09:29

David, you should also mention the map and the position. Also: aggressive AI or passive AI or what?

It is about time to make a widelands tournament, I guess.

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Posted at: 2010-04-23, 11:22

The time reported in the savegames should be the so called "game time", which adapts to any speedups, so you can't cheat by speeding up the game.

@SirVer: Judging from the thread title, he means the map "Impact", and I would assume that you start in the default, i.e. first position, right? face-wink.png

Sounds like an interesting challenge anyway. Did you play with build15? Perhaps we can agree to upload replays that are compatible with build15 so that people can compare the different strategies.

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Posted at: 2010-04-23, 19:09

I just thought it would be nice to use ggz for this... Should be quite easy to implement after ggz works completely.

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Posted at: 2010-04-23, 21:28

It was aggressive AI and starting position 1. I thought about uploading. But it would be too easy to do the same strategy then. I have kept my save games though. I used build15.

I am still waiting for any challengers. face-wink.png given the amout of times i have played the game, it should not be too difficult to beat me.

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Posted at: 2010-04-23, 21:59

Actually, 1:20 seems quite impressive face-smile.png

I just got 1:54 in my first attempt. I was able to disable the red opponent relatively quickly, but then I couldn't replenish or train my soldiers quickly enough for the yellow one. I wonder whether it makes sense at all to train your soldiers quite early. I suppose that's something that I'll try in my next attempt.

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Posted at: 2010-04-23, 22:13

Well, if you compare my 2:27 in my first attempt, then I would say that 1:54 is VERY impressive.

My first few attempts, were all ridden with problems getting enough wood. I finally got that sorted out in my last attempt.

I also believe in the strategy of disabling the red one first.

I really like this sort of challenges, as it really is a test of logistical skills, which could be applied in the real world, to sort out, say, traffic problems.

Something that would really make this game more challenging, is if there were only a few carriers and if it took one ration to produce a carrier. One would really have to plan an efficient traffic system, then, as the transportation capacity would be very limited. I understand that this, would require farms, bakeries, wells and taverns to be more efficent.

Edited: 2010-04-23, 22:22

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Joined: 2009-02-27, 14:28
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Posted at: 2010-04-24, 00:19

Yep, barbarians need a lot of wood. I usually concentrate on just building lumberjacks in the early game, at least 8 of them. I think you need even more, especially if you want to expand quickly on a bigger map. Wood hardeners don't seem to be quite as critical. You definitely need one early, but then I usually wait a little before building the second.

I think I'll need some more attempts to get close to your 1:20 though, I just tried a second attempt, and this time I managed to mess up to wood production, and I wasn't quick enough in getting rid of the stones in the middle. Oh well.

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Posted at: 2010-04-24, 09:42

The problem I am having is with keeping them productive. I try to spread them out so they won't cut the same tree, but they are seldom on 100%. Also, figuring out whether to invest in warehouses to reduce transport latency.

Edited: 2010-05-02, 11:19

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