Topic: [Buildings] Cornfield


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Joined: 2010-02-15, 13:13
Posts: 239
Posted at: 2018-11-27, 18:56

I have started to work on the cornfield graphics and want to show you the current status of them:


I have modeled actual cron cobs on the plants but at the current zoom level they aren't very visible. Any ideas on how to distinguish it more from the wheat field? Maybe something like a marker stone or fence?

Edited: 2018-11-27, 18:57

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Posted at: 2018-11-27, 21:14

Nice face-smile.png

Could you make the corn fields more saturated and a bit brighter? Not as much as the old ones of course, but more glaring than the wheat. That would distinguish them better. Also, they should be taller IMHO as maize is a quite large plant.

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Joined: 2015-08-02, 11:56
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Posted at: 2018-11-28, 13:37

My suggestion on that would be to make fewer plants in the cornfield. From practical view: Wheat, barley and rye are planted with more than 100 plants per square meter. For corn you usually don't even plant 10 on the same area.

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Joined: 2010-02-15, 13:13
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Posted at: 2018-12-02, 17:37

I have incorporated your feedback and hope you like the outcome:


What do you think?

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Posted at: 2018-12-02, 19:23

They could be even taller IMHO, about 1½x as high as now.
Colour and density are good now face-smile.png

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Posted at: 2018-12-02, 19:30

The old cornfields are beautiful. Bright yellow and green, nice cylinder form. They are an important reason for the fact that Atlantean cities look so magnificent. So in my opinion the design shouldn't be changed, and the new design looks rather boring to me.

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Posted at: 2018-12-02, 19:58

What about making the field angular shaped, instead of circular? The plants can grow in rows then, instead of randomized. Don't know if this will work...

I don't think they should be much taller. For the coloring i agree with WorldSavior, but i never found the old style very nice.

If you ask many people, you will get many different answers face-wink.png

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Joined: 2018-07-30, 00:03
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Posted at: 2018-12-02, 20:03

I'm terrible sorry to say this, but the old cornfields look horrible. They are just a color blob that doesn't fit the color-scheme of the game. They also do not resemble cornfields, in the slightest. They look more like the old grainfields with dazzling colors.

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Joined: 2009-10-07, 14:01
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Posted at: 2018-12-02, 22:33

In my opinion the new atlantean cornfields looks too similar to the new barbarian wheat field, considering both color and shape. I assume that is at least partially caused by the low resolution of the image. But that is how it will look in the game. Maybe if you can't change color or shape then at least make it straight vertical. That would introduce a bit more difference. And corn is a plant which is much taller than wheat, so I agree with Nordfriese that it could be higher. At least if that doesn't create problems with z-layering and roads behind.

Side remark: I don't find the old ones horrible.

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Joined: 2010-02-15, 13:13
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Posted at: 2018-12-03, 21:36

I have made the plants taller and the fields shape a square; EDIT: I have also made straight up:


And the reason why the existing graphics look "bad" is the fact that they don't have any shading whatsoever, are pixelated because they were upscaled at some point and generaly don't fit the style which was introduced with the building and worker graphics. So even if graphics aren't bad by themselves, the can look bad in the overall composition because they pop out or the visuals are a "mess" as whole.

The worst offender I could find via a quick search is this one:

While (some) graphics look fine for themselves, the way they are thrown together make them look bad.

On the other hand this games has probably the simplest possible graphics but they look "nice" because the fit together.

Edited: 2018-12-03, 21:40

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