Topic: roads are congested
TuStudent Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2020-06-07, 21:01
I consinder as a too meaningless explantation. A friend of mine, also they played it couple of times, knows the problem, but still builds the roads inefficient. I think a screenshoot such as the one in the attachment would help. Edited: 2020-06-07, 21:05
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TuStudent Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2020-06-07, 21:08
Sometimes it is even helpful to add some bypass, that wares don't cross the HQ/warehouse. Edited: 2020-06-07, 21:09
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hessenfarmer |
Posted at: 2020-06-07, 22:00
This is the old settlers 2 setup of roads. While I prefer this for its look, maybe Worldsaviors setup might even be more efficient. Furthermore it might better explain the issue. He often builds always 2 roads leading to the same flag Top Quote |
WorldSavior |
Posted at: 2020-06-21, 18:08
The reason why I don't use the road system from the picture so often is that wares don't get easily rerouted, which looks like a bug for me: often all wares go over one route while no wares go over the equivalent route at the other side (for example at the picture right at the warehouse, if the warehouse would put out a lot of wares into one direction - and this is inefficient) Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked Top Quote |
Lawrence |
Posted at: 2021-02-04, 15:09
I often discover I need to make some new roads to unblock my roads. Sometimes the new road does not solve the problem if there are too many things sitting at one flag. I have found that if I remove the original road that goes to that spot and then simply put it back again it gets things going, I do not think I have lost any wares by doing this. Accept the challenge to excel with the humility to receive help. Top Quote |
hessenfarmer |
Posted at: 2021-02-04, 18:00
that is because the wares already sitting at the flag are not rerouted as long as the route still exists. With destroying the road and readd it again you force a rerouting. Top Quote |
DragonAtma |
Posted at: 2021-02-05, 00:19
I've noticed that chokepoints are a common source of traffic jams, so I try to have at least two roads pass through them, especially on what I call starburst maps (maps shaped like an asterisk). Similarly, I try to scatter buildings across the map if it's feasible. If I have two wells in the east in the east and two wells in the west, not only does travel time tend to be quicker than having all four wells in the east, but fewer goods on the roads means the roads are less congested. As a bonus, if an enemy attack costs me four civilian buildings, they're likely be four different types of buildings instead of losing all four wells. There are exceptions, of course (logs generally require having multiple foresters and lumberjacks clustered nearby, as I don't want foresters planting trees on my farms!), but that's usually not the case. Top Quote |