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Topic: Shipbuilder messages and warehouses

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Joined: 2020-12-12, 22:36
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2020-12-18, 22:45


I've a suggestion and a question:

 - when the shipbuilder finishes building a ship a message is sent (like when a warehouse has been build), so I can stop building more ships.
 - would it be possible to conquer warehouses the same way you can conquer military building while also keeping the common wares (wood, ores, fish, meat, etc)?

Great game!

Edited: 2020-12-18, 22:45

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Posted at: 2020-12-19, 00:10

xorx wrote:


I've a suggestion and a question:

 - when the shipbuilder finishes building a ship a message is sent (like when a warehouse has been build), so I can stop building more ships.

Good suggestion, especially in case there will be also a feature like "mute messages of some kind"

 - would it be possible to conquer warehouses the same way you can conquer military building while also keeping the common wares (wood, ores, fish, meat, etc)?

That would not work that well, because the defender could just destroy his warehouse in time. So I would be against this.

Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked

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Posted at: 2020-12-19, 11:36

Moin xorx and welcome to the forum face-smile.png

 - when the shipbuilder finishes building a ship a message is sent (like when a warehouse has been build), so I can stop building more ships.

+1 very good idea
(@WorldSavior – we already have such a muting feature in the development version face-wink.png )

  - would it be possible to conquer warehouses the same way you can conquer military building while also keeping the common wares (wood, ores, fish, meat, etc)?

-1 as this would change the game mechanics in favour of military tactics. Especially it would give players another good reason to prefer attack over defend. And as WorldSavior correctly says defenders would just dismantle the site under attack so the benefit would be negligible if the defending player pays attention, and it just puts strain on people to keep an eye on their warehouses.

Edited: 2020-12-19, 11:45

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Joined: 2020-12-12, 22:36
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2020-12-19, 13:20


cool you accepted the suggestion of the shipbuilder sending the message, I always forget about him to later find a new ship in process. Then I wait to forget again and so on haha.

As for the warehouses, it's a pity specially against the AI. For some reason it stock piles a lot of resources and I found destroying the warehouse a waste!


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Joined: 2015-08-02, 11:56
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Posted at: 2020-12-19, 18:43

War is always waste

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Joined: 2020-12-12, 22:36
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2020-12-19, 19:37

JanO wrote:

War is always waste

Sad but true.

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