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Topic: Soundtrack causes crash?

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Joined: 2016-10-15, 04:10
Posts: 2136
OS: Linux
Version: Recent tournament version
One Elder of Players
Location: Germany
Posted at: 2021-08-05, 16:34

A match crashed, version 1.0, this are the last lines of the output:

16: 2 types of ware added to warehouse 3 of 3 (cheating mode)
[01:37:03.620 real] INFO: Songset: Loaded song "music/ingame_08.ogg"
Speicherzugriffsfehler (Speicherabzug geschrieben)

Did the music maybe caused the crash? I could restore the match by creating a savegame from a replay, and after loading there was not further crash.

As you can see the match is a game vs a team of 15 Trading Oupost AIs - those matches seem to be some new trend ; )

Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked

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Joined: 2017-01-17, 18:07
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Posted at: 2021-08-05, 17:08

The crash is almost certainly something else entirely, the sound notice just happens to be the last message. It's hard to say what the problem might be without more info, but we already fixed one segfault found in v1.0 recently:

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Joined: 2016-10-15, 04:10
Posts: 2136
OS: Linux
Version: Recent tournament version
One Elder of Players
Location: Germany
Posted at: 2021-08-05, 19:10

Nordfriese wrote:

The crash is almost certainly something else entirely, the sound notice just happens to be the last message.

That sounds logical now, as the output doesn't contain much other than soundtrack and Trading outpost messages. But before the soundtrack message there where many many TO messages, thats why I believed to see a pattern there

Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked

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