Topic: Game crash

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Joined: 2020-05-31, 21:15
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Posted at: 2022-03-02, 16:12

Hi, when starting a new single player game Widelands crashes. Saved games, Tutorials and Campaigns seam to work.

Please check

Cheers Waldecker

Attachment: text/plain
220302_01.txt (4.3 KB)

Yesterday I stood before an abyss, today I'm one step further

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Joined: 2017-01-17, 18:07
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Posted at: 2022-03-02, 17:08

I know and it's my fault face-smile.png

A PR that will fix it is already up:

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Joined: 2013-02-18, 20:48
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Posted at: 2022-03-02, 17:18

There should be a log output of all enabled add-ons to give a user and interested people a hint on what is maybe involved in a crash, imho.

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Joined: 2017-01-17, 18:07
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Posted at: 2022-03-02, 17:28

Actually if the crash is add-on related the log output often already contains a hint which one is at fault. This crash is not specific to add-ons though, it also happens when none are installed (it's caused by two separate, independent fixes for two different bugs which work fine individually but not together). For crashes in general, starting Widelands with --verbose is an easy and very useful way to get a lot of important circumstantial information even in release builds.

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Joined: 2020-05-31, 21:15
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Posted at: 2022-03-21, 10:05

Game still crashes (Version bzr10210-202203202002)

Yesterday I stood before an abyss, today I'm one step further

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Joined: 2022-03-21, 18:32
Posts: 6
Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2022-03-21, 18:44

Ubuntu 22.04 daily builds.
Widelands crash:


This is Widelands Version 1.1~bzr10210-202203202002 (Release)

[00:00:00.000 real] INFO: Set home directory: /home/qwerty/.local/share/widelands

[00:00:00.027 real] INFO: Set configuration file: /home/qwerty/.config/widelands/config

[00:00:00.052 real] WARNING: No locale translations found in /usr/share/games/widelands/data/locale

[00:00:00.053 real] INFO: selected language: (system language)

[00:00:00.053 real] INFO: using locale pl_PL.UTF-8

[00:00:00.053 real] INFO: Adding directory: /usr/share/games/widelands/data

[00:00:00.054 real] INFO: selected language: (system language)

[00:00:00.054 real] INFO: using locale pl_PL.UTF-8

[00:00:00.130 real] INFO: Byte order: little-endian

[00:00:00.376 real] INFO: Graphics: Try to set Videomode 800x600

[00:00:00.404 real] INFO: Graphics: OpenGL: Version "4.6 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 21.3.5"

[00:00:00.404 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_RED_SIZE is 8

[00:00:00.404 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE is 8

[00:00:00.404 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE is 8

[00:00:00.404 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_ALPHA_SIZE is 0

[00:00:00.404 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_BUFFER_SIZE is 24

[00:00:00.404 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER is 1

[00:00:00.404 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE is 24

[00:00:00.404 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_STENCIL_SIZE is 0

[00:00:00.404 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_ACCUM_RED_SIZE is 0

[00:00:00.404 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE is 0

[00:00:00.404 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE is 0

[00:00:00.404 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_SIZE is 0

[00:00:00.404 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_STEREO is 0

[00:00:00.556 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS is 0

[00:00:00.556 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES is 0

[00:00:00.556 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_ACCELERATED_VISUAL is 1

[00:00:00.556 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION is 2

[00:00:00.556 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION is 1

[00:00:00.556 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS is 0

[00:00:00.556 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK is 0

[00:00:00.556 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_SHARE_WITH_CURRENT_CONTEXT is 0

[00:00:00.556 real] INFO: Graphics: SDL_GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB_CAPABLE is 0

[00:00:00.556 real] INFO: Graphics: OpenGL: Double buffering enabled

[00:00:00.556 real] INFO: Graphics: OpenGL: Max texture size: 16384

[00:00:00.556 real] INFO: Graphics: OpenGL: ShadingLanguage: "4.60"

[00:00:00.595 real] INFO: * GRAPHICS REPORT *

[00:00:00.595 real] INFO: VIDEO DRIVER GLVND x11

[00:00:00.595 real] INFO: Display #0: 1920x1080 @ 60hz SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888

[00:00:01.330 real] INFO: * SOUND REPORT *

[00:00:01.330 real] INFO: SDL version: 2.0.20

[00:00:01.330 real] INFO: SDL_mixer version: 2.0.4

[00:00:01.330 real] INFO: * END SOUND REPORT *

[00:00:01.648 real] INFO: Songset: Loaded song "music/intro.ogg"

[00:00:02.028 real] INFO: Songset: Loaded song "music/menu.ogg"

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "helptexts" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "name" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "animation_directory" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "animations" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "builder" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "buildings" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "carriers" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "collectors_points_table" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "fastplace" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "ferry" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "geologist" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "port" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "productionsite_worker_coming" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "productionsite_worker_missing" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "productionsite_workers_coming" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.189 real] WARNING: Unused key "productionsite_workers_missing" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.190 real] WARNING: Unused key "resource_indicators" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.190 real] WARNING: Unused key "roads" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.190 real] WARNING: Unused key "scouts_house" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.190 real] WARNING: Unused key "soldier" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.190 real] WARNING: Unused key "spritesheets" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.190 real] WARNING: Unused key "wares_order" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.190 real] WARNING: Unused key "workers_order" in LuaTable. Please report as a bug.

[00:00:20.190 real] ERROR: ##############################

[00:00:20.190 real] ERROR: FATAL EXCEPTION: Error while loading tribe 'barbarians': [./src/scripting/] tribe barbarians: Failed adding immovable

'destroyed_building': [./src/scripting/] destroyed_building: Error in immovable program main: Error reading line 'transform=ashes': transform: Unknown map object type 'ashes'

[00:00:20.190 real] ERROR: stack traceback:

[00:00:20.190 real] ERROR: [string "tribes/immovables/destroyed_building/init.lua..."]:5: in main chunk

[00:00:20.190 real] ERROR: [C]: in method 'new_tribe'

[00:00:20.190 real] ERROR: [string "tribes/initialization/barbarians/units.lua"]:8: in main chunk

[00:00:20.190 real] ERROR: stack tr

[00:00:20.190 real] ERROR: ##############################

[00:00:20.190 real] ERROR: Please report this problem to help us improve Widelands.

[00:00:20.190 real] ERROR: You will find related messages in the standard output (stdout.txt on Windows).

[00:00:20.190 real] ERROR: You are using build 1.1~bzr10210-202203202002 (Release).

[00:00:20.190 real] ERROR: Please add this information to your report.

[00:00:20.190 real] ERROR: If desired, Widelands attempts to create an emergency savegame.

[00:00:20.190 real] ERROR: It is often – though not always – possible to load it and continue playing.

[00:00:20.190 real] ERROR: ##############################

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Widelands::GameDataError'

what(): tribe barbarians: Failed adding immovable 'destroyed_building': [./src/scripting/] destroyed_building: Error in immovable program main: Error reading line 'transform=ashes': transform: Unknown map object type 'ashes'

stack traceback:

[string "tribes/immovables/destroyed_building/init.lua..."]:5: in main chunk

[C]: in method 'new_tribe'

[string "tribes/initialization/barbarians/units.lua"]:8: in main chunk


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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
Posts: 2785
One Elder of Players
Location: Bavaria
Posted at: 2022-03-21, 19:05

the fix for the crash got merged just minutes ago, so please wait until current master has reached bazaar. (or use it from github)

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Joined: 2022-03-21, 18:32
Posts: 6
Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2022-03-22, 19:16

Ubuntu 22.04 daily build + widelands_1.1~bzr10211-202203212002


The game starts correctly.

However, there is a new error: geologists do not detect coal, ore and gold; although the mines built extract these resources.

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
Posts: 2785
One Elder of Players
Location: Bavaria
Posted at: 2022-03-22, 21:09

confirmed bug is up

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Joined: 2020-05-01, 02:20
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Pry about Widelands
Posted at: 2023-03-10, 15:08

waldecker wrote:

Hi, when starting a new single player game Widelands crashes. Saved games, Tutorials and Campaigns seam to work.

Please check

Cheers Waldecker

Hi Guys, I am not sure if my problem is the same as what you have mentioned in this topic.

I have been using Version 1 on my Apple Mac Mini - Very Nice :-). However when I save my single user game Widelands crashes but not every time.

Will there be a new release with the bug you have identified and fixed included or must I learn how to update from the link given in this topic. I am NOT using any add-on in my map which is what I am using for the game I have mentioned above.

Regards Lawrence

Edited: 2023-03-10, 15:09

Accept the challenge to excel with the humility to receive help.

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