Topic: Custom campaigns?

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Joined: 2022-04-21, 03:43
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Posted at: 2022-04-21, 03:47

I remember booting this up several years ago but didn't play long because there was a single campaign scenario to play IIRC.

From what I understand there are a few official campigns now, but none of them are finished?

Also I believe you can play custom ones?

Has anyone made any? Any recommendations? Are the official campaigns worth playing yet? Should I just skip the Barbarian one, being a Settlers 2 veteran?

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Posted at: 2022-04-21, 09:36

Hi YungCoq and welcome to the forums face-smile.png

We have four official campaigns with a total of 10 scenarios in v1.0. The campaigns are a work in progress with new scenarios being added frequently (in release 1.1 expect a new scenario each for the Atlantean and Frisian campaign). However the existing scenarios are all perfectly playable – the under-development status is only about adding more new scenarios and further continuing the storyline. I definitely recommend playing through all of the campaigns; especially if you didn't play very much (or at all) with a tribe yet its first one or two scenarios will give you an introduction to their unique economic and strategical features. The difficulty of the campaigns varies from a fairly simple tutorial (Barbarians) to long and very challenging (Frisians).

Custom campaigns as add-ons are in principle possible since v1.0, but nobody has created one yet.

Most of the long-term fun of Widelands comes from free play however, with a huge variety of very different maps, starting conditions, and win conditions which can be combined in an infinity of different ways.

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Posted at: 2022-04-21, 22:18

I see, yes I started one yesterday. Props to whoever is in charge of the music, by the way.

Custom ones would be as add-ons, I see. I get why I couldn't find any in the maps section!

I'll look nto the official ones for now, thank you! face-smile.png

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Posted at: 2022-04-22, 00:58

Bonjour! Good to see another Canadian here.

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
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Posted at: 2022-04-22, 01:22

If you like to play scenarios there are another 2 in maps/SP_Scenarios where at least Along_the_river is quite near to a campaign scenario.
Furthermore I finished the 2nd Atlantean scenario lately which is now subject to playtest and review.

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Posted at: 2022-04-22, 03:50

mxb2001 wrote:

Bonjour! Good to see another Canadian here.

Bien le bonjour!

hessenfarmer wrote:

If you like to play scenarios there are another 2 in maps/SP_Scenarios where at least Along_the_river is quite near to a campaign scenario.
Furthermore I finished the 2nd Atlantean scenario lately which is now subject to playtest and review.

Ahh, yes single maps scenarios are also fine. I could dive into that once I'm through the campaigns!

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