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Topic: 2022 Tournament Replays

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Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
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Posted at: 2022-09-05, 19:37

Please post match results together with the replays (in a zip container) in this thread.

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Joined: 2019-06-03, 20:06
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Posted at: 2022-09-07, 01:09

niektory vs. tothxa

Winner: tothxa

Edited: 2022-09-07, 01:10

Attachment: application/zip
Widelands Tournament 2022 - niektory vs. (1.3 MB)

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Posted at: 2022-09-08, 20:57

Here's the replay of Nordfriese's (FRI) victory against hessenfarmer (ATL). It's in two parts because my Widelands client crashed after 8 minutes with no log output.

Attachment: application/zip (656.7 KB)

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Joined: 2013-02-18, 20:48
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Posted at: 2022-09-10, 14:11

Seefahrer and me completed the game today, so here is the replay (hopefully i provide the correct files):

Edit: Winner was kaputtnik

Thanks to Seefahrer for the nice game and talks!

Edited: 2022-09-10, 14:28

Attachment: application/zip (1.4 MB)

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Posted at: 2022-09-11, 00:08

The-x won against Mars after lauching a big attack. Mars provided the way for the attack though. However Mars sent an invite message instead of give up and the-x accidenatally accepted. So the replay is a draw, while Mars confirmed the victory of the-x verbally. Thanks for the sportsmanship and a warning to everybody just to click ok.

Attachment: application/x-zip-compressed (737.0 KB)

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Posted at: 2022-09-11, 13:24

hessenfarmer wrote:

The-x won against Mars after lauching a big attack. Mars provided the way for the attack though. However Mars sent an invite message instead of give up and the-x accidenatally accepted. So the replay is a draw, while Mars confirmed the victory of the-x verbally. Thanks for the sportsmanship and a warning to everybody just to click ok.

Watching the replay i would bet Mars would win the game. Don't know why Mars thinks the-x had won…

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Joined: 2019-01-19, 13:23
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Posted at: 2022-09-11, 13:47

kaputtnik wrote:

hessenfarmer wrote:

The-x won against Mars after lauching a big attack. Mars provided the way for the attack though. However Mars sent an invite message instead of give up and the-x accidenatally accepted. So the replay is a draw, while Mars confirmed the victory of the-x verbally. Thanks for the sportsmanship and a warning to everybody just to click ok.

Watching the replay i would bet Mars would win the game. Don't know why Mars thinks the-x had won…

You have to watch the whole replay ; ) intresting thesis - but can you give some reason for your thoughts?

Fact is, military statistic shows the-x had 5x as much units at 1:27

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Posted at: 2022-09-11, 13:50

kaputtnik wrote:

Watching the replay i would bet Mars would win the game. Don't know why Mars thinks the-x had won…

Well Mars (blue) was in the defense, while the-x was attacking. He was lower in military statistics and from his economy would not have been capable of recovering pretty soon as his training camp was not running at this point. While the-x had 2 training sites operable without using gold. So Mars assumed he had lost. But he did not press give up in the diplomacy menu he pressed invite, which the-x accidentally accepted.

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Joined: 2019-01-19, 13:23
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Posted at: 2022-09-11, 14:03

Yes, it was a very nice game and Mars had an excellent Economy in the start and completed both his Training Camps very early. He was very strong and it was not easy to win : ) After my huge attack you can clearly see that Mars lost all of his capable units and i was holding the territory left of the stones, and secured it with some fortresses and towers, mars told me he wants resign, hessenfarmer told mars he can send a resign offer and we agreed that the-x won the game

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Joined: 2016-10-15, 04:10
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Posted at: 2022-09-11, 14:11

hessenfarmer wrote:

But he did not press give up in the diplomacy menu he pressed invite, which the-x accidentally accepted.

Inviting to the team? So both are 1 team and win? --> Draw? Lol

Replay didn't show it. --> Bug? Replays tend to not show the very last action, as they end the replay.

Wanted to save the world, then I got widetracked

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