Topic: Naval warfare rethought

Joined: 2014-12-11, 23:16
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Posted at: 2023-09-24, 14:39

In my opinion, rather then requiring soldiers on a ship to fight we should and can simply increase the bonus for soldiers on ships and reduce the randomness by this, so it would be just an easy change of some factor rather then developping new features.
for the cost part of a warship I agree with the problem as it is very easy to scatter the ocean with warships, so making refitting more costly might be a good idea. Cost could be any of food, shipwright, level 0 soldier, or just a precious ware.
Another possibility would be to let the shipyards produce different ships based on fleet settings, which would further reduce the manual intervention in making war ships and allow for different costs.
With the implementation of an auto attack feature we would reduce the necessity of manual intervention a lot, which has been to most relevant critics so far leading to some strategies to completely skip usage of warships from some players.

So for me the most relevant problem with the current state of the feature is the massive burden of micromangement necessary that might take all the attention of the player and result in clickraces that do not fit to widelands as widelnds should be slow paced (actually this was the problem description of the thread opener, everything after came from his suggestion to fix this problem).
The different parts of this problem might be:
- necessity to convert each warship manually ---> might be solved by letting warships being produced separtly and skip the conversion feature
- necessity to manually attack each ship and micromanage seabattles --> might be solved by an auto attack / auto retreat feature
- necessity to reduce the capacity for each ship manually and doing this after conversion has taken place to cover for wares on board --> auto zero the capacity might fix this

with such changes the focus could be more on building an economy to support more ships and soldiers which is what Widelands is aboput.

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Posted at: 2023-09-24, 19:19

hessenfarmer wrote:

In my opinion, rather then requiring soldiers on a ship to fight we should and can simply increase the bonus for soldiers on ships and reduce the randomness by this, so it would be just an easy change of some factor rather then developping new features.


Another possibility would be to let the shipyards produce different ships based on fleet settings, which would further reduce the manual intervention in making war ships and allow for different costs.

I previously disliked the idea of having the shipyard produce multiple ship types because it would involve special-casing the shipyard (which currently is an ordinary productionsite like any other), but adding a warship target to the new fleet settings would be a great way to solve this cleanly and without requiring any micromanagement.

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Posted at: 2023-09-24, 22:23

Any chance / forecast whether this might be possible within the next 2 weeks to be part of the next round.

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Posted at: 2023-09-25, 08:49

This is not a trivial change since currently fleets only handle regular transport ships but not expeditions and warships. But I'll have more time for Widelands again from this week on and will prioritize this.

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Posted at: 2023-09-26, 18:33

Nordfriese wrote:

hessenfarmer wrote:

Another possibility would be to let the shipyards produce different ships based on fleet settings, which would further reduce the manual intervention in making war ships and allow for different costs.

I previously disliked the idea of having the shipyard produce multiple ship types because it would involve special-casing the shipyard (which currently is an ordinary productionsite like any other), but adding a warship target to the new fleet settings would be a great way to solve this cleanly and without requiring any micromanagement.

Would it be OK to need a separate warship yard, which would be an enhancement of the plain shipyard, and need an experienced shipwright? That way it would be possible to require different materials for a warship than a transport ship.

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Posted at: 2023-09-26, 18:52

hessenfarmer wrote:

In my opinion, rather then requiring soldiers on a ship to fight we should [...]

for the cost part of a warship I agree with the problem as it is very easy to scatter the ocean with warships, so making refitting more costly might be a good idea. Cost could be any of [...] level 0 soldier [...]

face-smile.png Actually soldiers increasing the cost is a major part why I proposed this as the first step: Not only had it consensus, it would also improve most aspects of the problem.

But why only level 0? My idea would be that if we require <n> soldiers for a warship, then it would always keep the <n> highest level soldiers aboard (not sent for invasions). This would make naval invasions more costly, and still allow somewhat cheaper naval defences.

Edited: 2023-09-26, 23:22

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Posted at: 2023-09-27, 10:21

tothxa wrote:

Nordfriese wrote:

hessenfarmer wrote:

Another possibility would be to let the shipyards produce different ships based on fleet settings, which would further reduce the manual intervention in making war ships and allow for different costs.

I previously disliked the idea of having the shipyard produce multiple ship types because it would involve special-casing the shipyard (which currently is an ordinary productionsite like any other), but adding a warship target to the new fleet settings would be a great way to solve this cleanly and without requiring any micromanagement.

Would it be OK to need a separate warship yard, which would be an enhancement of the plain shipyard, and need an experienced shipwright? That way it would be possible to require different materials for a warship than a transport ship.

having a different building would be possible with such changes, but no prerequisite. An Enhancement would not fir into the Atlantean tribe as they do not need any experience at all. As the warships should require the same basic materials as a normal ship and only add some precious materials like Iron and / or gold just adding these additional wares as input for the shipyard would do the trick as well.

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Posted at: 2023-09-27, 10:32

*tothxa wrote:

face-smile.png Actually soldiers increasing the cost is a major part why I proposed this as the first step: Not only had it consensus, it would also improve most aspects of the problem.

Well it had consensus from 3 people until @Nordfriese and me stepped into the discussion. face-wink.png
For me the problem is cost of a warship and this can be solved by different solutions as I suggested. Personally I feel that adding soldiers would unnecessarily combine the aspects of soldier training with naval defense. As it would only allow for building warships to defend ports / port spaces after starting the soldier training.

But why only level 0? My idea would be that if we require <n> soldiers for a warship, then it would always keep the <n> highest level soldiers aboard (not sent for invasions). This would make naval invasions more costly, and still allow somewhat cheaper naval defences.

Doing it this way would require additional Micromanagement for managing the soldiers on defensive ships differently then on offensive ships. And the need to micromanage is the biggest issue with the current implementation imho.
So I clearly vote for realizing the costs by adding precious materials (I would prefer Iron and more processed wood) to the ships build costs. by this it would take longer to build a warship as well which might help to solve the issue of too many warships as well.
If the ships get more expensive, and the effect of soldiers on board add to much better chances of surviving it is a players decision whether to safeguard the precious investment in a warship by adding soldiers as well.

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Posted at: 2023-09-27, 11:11

Well, I have a prototype branch now at
Warship targets don't really work yet and counting of expeditions and warships in a fleet is basically not implemented yet, but the main change is that the shipyard now builds both warships and expedition ships, with warships 25% more expensive than transport ships; and removed the ability to refit at ports.

However I am no longer sure this is a desirable way to go. Now you can build warships without needing a port, which allows you to gain early sea domination much earlier and cheaper than before. While a port is still needed to actually invade the enemy, we have seen in several tournament matches that a player who builds a few warships earlier than the opponent has already half won at sea, so this change turns naval warfare into even more of a race for early ships.

So I have changed my mind and no longer favour this approach. I still don't like the idea of strictly requiring soldiers for naval combat, but the branch also contains a commit to make warships with soldiers much stronger than before and give less randomness to their attacks (not actually tested, maybe it's too strong now). It also has a change to set the soldier capacity initially to zero.

I could live with the concept of consuming some wares (and a few minutes of time and a shipwright's work) when refitting a transport ship to a warship in a port, maybe we should give this approach a try instead?

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Posted at: 2023-09-27, 11:30

hessenfarmer wrote:

Well it had consensus from 3 people until @Nordfriese and me stepped into the discussion. face-wink.png

That's how I meant it. face-smile.png Sorry for not making it clear enough.

My idea would be that if we require <n> soldiers for a warship, then it would always keep the <n> highest level soldiers aboard (not sent for invasions).

Doing it this way would require additional Micromanagement for managing the soldiers on defensive ships differently then on offensive ships. And the need to micromanage is the biggest issue with the current implementation imho.

Yes, that's certainly a major drawback of this idea.

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