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Topic: Map analyse script

Joined: 2024-04-20, 23:43
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Version: 1.2.1
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Posted at: Yesterday 23:06

kaputtnik wrote:

Ron_of_Nord wrote:

This script is A1 Brilliant ! I have found it excellent when Balancing my maps.

Thanks face-smile.png

Admittedly it took me a moment to figure out what to do with it …

Do you have any suggestions how to improve the description? Maybe a better explanation in the screenshots?

I will think about that and a play with it on the next map. I'll make notes and post what I think in a day or two. Since I have been using it more, I've become more comfortable with it. These is one small problem I noted the other day, and that is where it reports granite/marble at the end. On a map I was doing, it only showed 'stone/' the rest was cut off. Not a problem really as I had hand worked it out but just something I noticed, possibly because it was a large 6 player map with lots of resources. No scroll bar was shown, but that could have been an error on the part of windows itself. As I said , I'll have another crack at it over the next few days and make some notes. All in all though, it really is a good addon.

Edited: Today 10:32

The aussies are coming, ya ho! ya ho!

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Joined: 2024-04-20, 23:43
Posts: 51
OS: Windows
Version: 1.2.1
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Location: Land_down_under
Posted at: Yesterday 23:09

OIPUN wrote:

Ron_of_Nord wrote:

This script is A1 Brilliant ! I have found it excellent when Balancing my maps.

Where can I find your maps, please, share.

I really must get around to tidying up the 100 or so maps I've done and publish them. That's something I will get to over the next couple of weeks.

Edited by kaputtnik: Please add a blank line after a quoted line.

Edited: Today 10:31

The aussies are coming, ya ho! ya ho!

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