Topic: I can't found some buildings
ZenitDondie Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2024-01-19, 19:18
Hello, I was playing a bit the game with each faction to see how they game play is about. I found that I lack some buildings, mostly on barbarianas. My UI is not in ENG so the names are Spanish. I don't have "Taller de hachas" so no axe can be build... No more warrior drinking beer in my tabern ♣ I just have "Astillero de ferry" not the "astillero" if it makes any diference (in help are 2 diferents building with diferent propierties. No "cerveceria" just "micro cerveceria" ..... only small beer for my Wariors..... Ooooooooo XD No "posada" solo taberna. Is there a way to find them? Or is a upgrade path or similar I missed. anyway... is a pleasure to play it :) Congrats!!!!! Just Landed Top Quote |
Nordfriese |
Posted at: 2024-01-19, 19:50
Hi ZenitDondie and welcome to the forum Some buildings are enhancements of another building. For example the Brewery (which produces Strong Beer) is enhanced from the Micro Brewery (which produces normal Beer). You first need to build the base building, and you can then enhance it from the building window, as shown in the attached screenshot. Note that for some buildings, the workers need to gather sufficient experience first; for example a Brewer needs to gain 10 experience points to become a Master Brewer who can then work in the bigger Brewery. The in-game help and encyclopedia show for each enhanced building which base building it can be enhanced from. This is explained in a bit more detail in the first Barbarians campaign scenario. Edited: 2024-01-19, 19:53
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hessenfarmer |
Posted at: 2024-01-19, 20:08
Additionally, the first barbarian scenario does not introduce all buildings from the beginning. So you might want to continue the barbarian campaign or try a singleplaxer game to see all buildings. Top Quote |
ZenitDondie Topic Opener |
Posted at: 2024-01-19, 20:50
Hi Thank for your reply. I like to play random maps jsut to test a bit arround. To be honest I just played the first tutorial. Just Landed Top Quote |
hessenfarmer |
Posted at: 2024-01-19, 23:19
ok so that explains why you are missing some buildings. Have fun discovering the game. Top Quote |