Topic: Launchpad Portuguese Translation


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Joined: 2010-11-01, 12:35
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Posted at: 2010-11-01, 23:28

Hello fellow Widelanders ! Greetings from Portugal !

After I had sent my geologists to search for a Linux Game In The Developer's Mountain, on the far North region of my Screen headquarters ... They brought me news that my favorite game of all times was on Ubuntu too ... Sadly, I found that the Widelanders did not speak Portuguese and, although I could understand them, some of my shipmates were lost in translation when they were asked "The stones ?" they replied that the Portuguese "Fado" was more to their liking. face-wink.png face-smile.png

So, I decided to put my skills to good use and started translating this (still) awesome game in Launchpad where I belong to the Portuguese group:

This is a work in progress, started by others like trewe, Nasenbaer and others, to who I am very much obliged.

I also opened a Wiki page here in with the Portuguese dictionary both for Portugal and Brazil Portuguese (hope the Brazilians don't mind) which I am still completing taking reference in what has already been done in Launchpad for both projects. It's not complete yet, so bare with me and have patience ! I am open to discussion of any issue or suggestion !

I would also take this opportunity to ask whomever is in charge of this to please (please... please ...) open a slot for the Portuguese from Portugal in the options of the game.

Well that it for now ! I also would like to thank you all for this wonderful project that brought again memories to this unconditional fan on the Sidlers I (later called Settlers) to the Settlers IV saga !

Be well ! Be Free !

Edited: 2010-11-05, 23:37

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Posted at: 2010-11-04, 17:30

Hi almufadado,

thanks for your long post and thanks for working on the Portuguese translation of Widelands. I have to admit, I do not know why my name stands on Launchpad, as Portuguese translator.

And there is not much to do for us face-wink.png - the Portugese translation has already an entry in current development version. I just merged the newest translation state. If you are on linux, you should quite simply be able to try it out -> check BuildingWidelands page - and if you are on Windows, best check !TinoM is so kind to build development versions from time to time :).



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Joined: 2009-12-29, 22:47
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Posted at: 2010-11-04, 17:50

Maybe we could help the translators without developers/build knowledge by adapting the to ask if it should try to merge latest translations? After all, this merge should at all times be without conflicts (thanks to the way bzr works).

Just a vast idea...

CMake is evil.

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Posted at: 2010-11-06, 00:11

Hello again !

Well, I have finished the Portuguese of Portugal translation and helped a bit in the Brazilian version.

For Portugal I chose to address the user as direct familiar "tu" which is translated by "you" too, because this is a game so it has a more friendly approach.

For Brasil, I used "você" (= "you") in all my translation and kept (I hope!) the "brazilian taste" for the long sentences.

Nasenbaer, your name appears because it must be you who does the uploading to the system .. . which is now the case with the new sentences that appear since I last said it was done :). So yes this is always a work in progress .

As I am Using Ubuntu, I am planning to test the latest version because the option for Portugal is not in the version 15 release.

QCS : As I am still learning, I hope this documentation and the forum helps.

Thanks you both for your replies.

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Posted at: 2010-11-06, 02:39

I got it ! face-grin.png

It's fairly easy to do it in Ubuntu ... but only because most of the work has been done ! Very nice job ! Congratulations !

I'll be testing the translation ... see ya !

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Joined: 2011-07-23, 18:59
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Posted at: 2011-07-23, 19:09

Hi all, just to say that I have just joined the Brazilian Portuguese translation team. almufadado: thank you very much for your head start! Just a short notice: in Rio Grande do Sul State, south of Brazil, we also use "tu", probably due to the influence of the Açores Island, main colonizers, and our neighbors Uruguay and Argentina.

The idea of using Launch Pad is just brilliant!

Marcelo do Pagode
Ubuntu 11.04
Colorado com muito orgulho!

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Posted at: 2011-07-23, 19:34

I have a suggestion that I think can facilitate the translation for derivatives of the same language (like brazilian portuguese and portuguese, for instance, but that could also be used for spanish if one wants spanish and south america spansih - argentinian, uruguaian, ...) but I don't know if it can be implemented. Could the the translation from one be shown as suggestion in the other? For ex., take all the poruguese translations and show them as suggestions in the brazilian portuguese and vice-versa. That way, even when the translation is a little bit distinct, most of the suggestions could be copied, changing only a few words.

Marcelo do Pagode
Ubuntu 11.04
Colorado com muito orgulho!

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Joined: 2011-06-12, 20:24
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Posted at: 2011-07-23, 20:08

Hi Marcelo, and welcome to the forum.

Regarding your suggestion, this is already supported but works slightly different than how you describe it. If you go to your language settings in Launchpad ( you can mark all the languages you know. Then, when you are translating, Launchpad will show you suggestions based on which you have selected. So rather than the translation templates knowing which languages are useful for showing suggestions, each person can filter suggestions based on the languages they know. Hope this helps. face-smile.png

Edited: 2011-07-23, 20:12


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Posted at: 2011-07-23, 21:34

hjd wrote: Hi Marcelo, and welcome to the forum. Regarding your suggestion, this is already supported but works slightly different than how you describe it. If you go to your language settings in Launchpad ( you can mark all the languages you know. Then, when you are translating, Launchpad will show you suggestions based on which you have selected. So rather than the translation templates knowing which languages are useful for showing suggestions, each person can filter suggestions based on the languages they know. Hope this helps.

Pure Genius! Thanks a lot hjd!

Marcelo do Pagode
Ubuntu 11.04
Colorado com muito orgulho!

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Posted at: 2011-07-25, 19:04

I'm very happy to announce that the Brazzilian Portuguese translation has reached 100%!!!! There may be some typos or inconsistencies since it has been done by many hands: Almufadado, alms21, Aluísio Augusto Silva Gonçalves, Cleverton, Eugênio F, Fabio Garz, feen, Flaviano Angeli, Gustavo Guidorizzi, HicHic, Júlio César Oliveira Caires, Júlio Cezar Santos Pires, Maraschin, Marcelo do Pagode, Matheus de Araújo, Nasenbaer, Pedro Pisandelli, Proezas, Ricardo (Swordf) De Moura, Sam Samuels, Samer Ghosnlas.2932, Vitor, Tulho.

If anyone wants to complete the Portuguese translation, you can now use the Brazilian version as a guide. As I play the game, I'll whatch for inconsistencies and try to correct them along the way.

Marcelo do Pagode
Ubuntu 11.04
Colorado com muito orgulho!

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