Topic: Unpassable terrain

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Posted at: Today 05:49

After having some more time to think about this, the more I personally am against it. Tunneling under mountains that don't allow for roads may defeat the map creators idea. I have made maps where the mountains couldn't have roads to make the players come up with thier own strategy for handling some situaations, tunnels would just defaet the purpose of such mountains.
Also, how would we see the work in progress ? At this point, you can see the progress of everything that is built because it's there on the surface, tunneling would hide this, obscuring it from view. Also, what if tunneling allows for a small or medium building plot and somehow we build a sentry or tower there, how does the other player see the hidden structure in order to attack it ?
The impassable terrain idea I am thinking about is so that there is another option along with swap , snow lava etc to be used in places like mountains to restrict movement and have a visual appeal, especially on mountains where swamp can look out of place.

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Joined: 2024-04-20, 23:43
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Location: Land_down_under
Posted at: Today 06:17

One final thought has occurred to me, instead of tunnels going under or through mountains, how about digging pass's. You know, a channel that allows you to pass through but on the surface. This would solve the hidden problem and would be well within all the tribes technological abilities. But then, where and what is to be done with the spoilage, the dirt and rock removed to dig a pass or tunnel. Currently widelands mines do not present this problem so none of us actually have to manage it whilst playing. Adding some sort of spoilage system would have to be incorporated into the game, adding a layer of complexity I don't think the game needs.

The aussies are coming, ya ho! ya ho!

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