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Topic: Blender 2.57


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Joined: 2010-12-18, 12:13
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Posted at: 2011-04-17, 10:58

The stable version is out now! there will be uprades sooner or later and the new blender gives loads of new possibilities + a faster workflow. there is a possibility to change the python scripts from python 2 to python 3 (wich is used in blender 2.57) so i thought it might be at the time to use this great new "tool to make a tool" i guess i´ll get those babarian buildings modelled soon, if i have to i´ll do that in blender 2.49b but can we change afterwards? face-smile.png

live is my dancefloor as long as my lag works

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Joined: 2010-02-15, 13:13
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Posted at: 2011-04-17, 14:01

I have tried Bledner 2.57 already and have to say: GREAT tool! I will upgrade to 2.6 (thats the version when it's released) and help getting or tools Blender 2.6 ready. Btw the scroll symbols for the messages window (, second picture) were made with Blender 2.57.

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Joined: 2010-03-15, 16:23
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Posted at: 2011-04-18, 19:32

I understand and share your eagerness to exploit the power and features of the new Blender release. face-smile.png However, maintenance of current (and development of any new) animations for the game (that includes buildings, trees, ships, etc.) MUST continue to be achieved with version 2.49 files until I am satisfied that we have converted the animation scripts (i.e. develop the Python 3 scripts) in v2.5+ at least to the extent of functionality we have now in v2.49 with the Python 2 scripts.
See the discussion in Graphics Forum/Blender 2.5 Alpha2

I will make it a personal priority to get as familiar as I can with the new release so I can make an informed decision as to when we move to 2.5+ and MASS CONVERSION of our current Blender 2.49 files can prudently be achieved. I will not condone supporting a mixture of Blender files from incompatible versions. It's all or none.

Edited to adjust the version number.

Edited: 2011-04-18, 19:45

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Joined: 2010-03-15, 16:23
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Posted at: 2011-08-21, 19:58

kingcreole wrote: getting child-friendly barbarians, that whole idea seems kinda ironic... anyway, that destroyed building looks a lot easyer in blender 2.59 than in 2.49b, if i would create my branch and put 2.59 .blend files there, i might get the job done faster, anyway for the final merge we would have to change those 2.49b files into 2.59 files, what about those scripts? the old python 2.5 scripts would have to be converted into python 3.3 scripts... i guess i´ll just start working with blender 2.59 and get that little piece of work (changing those old blendfiles to new) done afterwards, okay?

kingcreole, I sympathize with your desire to exploit the features of the latest advances in Blender. Version 2.49, though still our PREFERRED 3D modeling tool, is swiftly becoming outmoded. My temporary absence resulted in further prolonging our efforts to migrate to the latest Blender version.
So, as an interim approach until we can get Python 3.x scripting for the animation/conversion and evolve fully to Blender 2.5+, I WILL accept development with the new releases of Blender with these conditions:

  • 1) 3D models (i.e. the .blend files) created by a version other than 2.49 MUST be prefixed with the Blender version number as part of the file name, so they may be easily recognizable and not confused with the older files. (ex. 2.57_house.blend)
  • 2) 2D images and animation from Non-2.49 models that are being proposed for inclusion in the game MUST be pushed to private branches on and submitted through a proposal for merger unless previously approved by myself or another elder.
  • 3) Artists submitting Non-2.49 models will be held responsible for supporting their work until the bulk-conversion of the balance of the 2.49 models. Non-2.49 models that the artist will not support until that time may be removed/replaced with supported work.

These conditions are subject to change as our experience merits.

Any questions, comments, etc., let me know.

Go for it, man! face-wink.png

I see little people.

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Topic Opener
Joined: 2010-12-18, 12:13
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Posted at: 2011-08-21, 20:10

phew that was hard to read for me (18 jears old german student) but i guess i got it right... so i CAN use blender 2.59 but the files will have to be marked thru the name and the pictures will be merged by you or somebody else who has to check them first, and i have to somehow suport those files, so they still work whenever the old 2.49 files get converted rite? if thats tru (hell yea me can read hard stuff rite) then: YUPPIE face-grin.png

live is my dancefloor as long as my lag works

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Joined: 2010-03-15, 16:23
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Posted at: 2011-08-21, 20:34

kingcreole wrote: phew that was hard to read for me (18 jears old german student) but i guess i got it right... so i CAN use blender 2.59 but the files will have to be marked thru the name and the pictures will be merged by you or somebody else who has to check them first, and i have to somehow suport those files, so they still work whenever the old 2.49 files get converted rite? if thats tru (hell yea me can read hard stuff rite) then: YUPPIE

Give yourself an A+ in this English Reading and Comprehension exam!:)
Now get back to WORK!! face-grin.png

I see little people.

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Joined: 2009-02-28, 10:08
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Location: Frankfurt / Germany
Posted at: 2011-08-21, 21:14

Grrehmm .... you serious, master, huh? face-smile.png
Okay, you sure need to get some workload off your shoulders - I understand.
But indeed, somebody should somehow take the time to explain to me what a branch is, and how I am supposed to create one, and what the heck all that talk about "pushing" is ...
well, I know .. Steppenwolf, The pusher, 1969 ... but you can hardly mean that, right?)
C'mon folks, gimme a hand with that!

Being no programmer, I apologize for all my suggestions that imply undue workload and for other misjudgements due to lack of expertise or relevant skills.
I am on Win32, have no means to compile, and rely on prefabricated distributions (Thanks to Tino).

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Joined: 2010-03-15, 16:23
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Posted at: 2011-08-21, 22:44

Astuur wrote: Grrehmm .... you serious, master, huh?
Okay, you sure need to get some workload off your shoulders - I understand. But indeed, somebody should somehow take the time to explain to me what a branch is, and how I am supposed to create one, and what the heck all that talk about "pushing" is ...
well, I know .. Steppenwolf, The pusher, 1969 ... but you can hardly mean that, right?)
C'mon folks, gimme a hand with that!

Hmmmmm, I COULD be referring to that.... face-smile-big.png ..., but I'm not.

Here is a link to the GettingStarted page in the Widelands Wiki. That is where I suggest anyone considering helping with the development of Widelands to start. It and pages it links to contain information that lay the foundation of "How we do development". face-smile.png

If, after reading those pages, you still have questions, let me know and if I don't have the answer, someone else in the WL community probably does. If not, we will look for it together.

I see little people.

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