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Topic: Documention on working with bugs (triaging)


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Joined: 2011-06-12, 19:24
Posts: 158
At home in WL-forums
Posted at: 2011-07-02, 16:21

Hi everyone. As you are probably aware we have a bug tracker on which keeps track of the bugs reported in the game. I thought I'd take the time to write a bit about bug reports, triaging (working with) bugs, and similar topics.

First off, this is not because I think your bug reports are bad in any way. Most of them are in fact quite good, but there are still a few touches which could make them even better.

I'm not really sure what you would like to know more about, but I hope some of it is useful. To begin with I plan to write a bit about how to write bug reports, working with bugs, and the various tags we can use to mark bugs. If you have any suggestions, corrections or particular areas you would like to learn more about, let me know.

The initial documentation is located here


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Joined: 2009-02-19, 14:18
Posts: 1440
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Location: Germany - Munich
Posted at: 2011-07-04, 10:34

Fantastic initiative! I like this a lot.

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