Topic: WiHack 2011


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Posted at: 2011-09-20, 21:26

This thread is reserved for discussion of the WiHackTwentyEleven. I am already quite terrrrrrribly exited!

see you there, !SirVer

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Joined: 2009-02-21, 18:17
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Posted at: 2011-09-20, 23:05

Oh yeah, I am really looking forward to the WiHackTwentyEleven! face-smile.png

Edited: 2011-09-20, 23:10

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Joined: 2011-09-05, 21:28
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Posted at: 2011-09-21, 13:31

Since I currently live and study in Karlsruhe I definitely will come around! If I can somehow help preparing the WiHackTwentyEleven let me know :) Looking forward to meet you and get to know you (better)!

Edited: 2011-09-21, 14:07

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Posted at: 2011-09-21, 18:05

Hey Shevonar! I live in Karlsruhe as well :). There will also be an event concerning widelands in relation to the LANge nacht der Spielkultur [1]. Maybe you can participate and/or help out there as well.


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Joined: 2011-09-05, 21:28
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Posted at: 2011-09-22, 18:55

Unfortunately I am on holidays over this weekend. Thus I cannot help or participate, sorry face-sad.png

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Joined: 2010-03-15, 16:23
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Posted at: 2011-09-28, 16:38

It has arisen that I must be out of town that weekend and, much to my dismay, I will not be able to participate even remotely. So take good notes! face-smile-big.png and I'll try to catch up as quickly as I can.

Wishing you all a great time!

I see little people.

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Joined: 2011-06-12, 20:24
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Posted at: 2011-10-30, 18:35

One thing I'd like to see discussed is whether to adjust the release schedule slightly. I mentioned this briefly in the in-game chat yesterday, but I'll try to elaborate a bit more.

Basically I would suggest that build 17 is released slightly earlier (in time, NOT before it is finished obviously) than build 16 and 15. Partly to get into the next release of Ubuntu, but also for other reasons. I realize it will not be possible to align the release with every random distro out there as there is probably new releases each week. Ubuntu is currently the most popular one, and I don't think we should ignore that. Another reason is that I think it is a bit sad/annoying that Widelands release a new build just before Ubuntu release a new version (two weeks or so). Since Ubuntu release a new version each six months, this means that the one released two weeks after the new Widelands build ships the old build and the new one won't be included until the next release six months later. (I realize we have an official PPA offering the latest version, but this requires players to actively get it).

So how this would happen is that we release build 17 slightly earlier than the last two builds. I don't know how much yet, which of course greatly affect how feasible this suggestion is. When the new version is packaged by Debian it will be included in the unstable repository where all new packages end up. If there is no major problems with it, it will be moved to testing in about 10 days. Judging by how fast new versions of Widelands appear in Debian when they are released, even RCs, I don't think this part would be a problem. [1] At some point in time testing is frozen and become the new Debian release. However, once it is in testing, we can request it to be synced in Ubuntu [2] as long as it has not entered a freeze period. Now, there are different freezes for different packages (and even possible to request freeze exceptions), but I think the easiest would be to request a sync before this freeze deadline expires. See the (work-in-progress) release schedule for the next version of Ubuntu [3]. Note that this is a long term supported release (it will be supported for the next five years so the deadlines are a bit earlier in normal. Still, I'd say this is another reason to not let it ship with an already outdated build out of the box.

I know SirVer mentioned there are other factors deciding when a release happens, which I totally understand. I would say though, that currently we have more than 50 fixed bugs targeted towards build 17 and the new multiplayer scenarios. I believe that once we include the second Atlantean map, give it some time to be tested/translated and other bugs fixed so that we have somewhere between 50-100 bugs fixed I'd say we can justify a release. Whether we want to is of course a different matter. Based on the build number, I take it WL used to have a shorter release cycle and there may be reasons why this was changed.

PS. Unfortunately, I won't be at the WiHack in person, but I'll probably hang out on IRC during the weekend.





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Posted at: 2011-10-30, 20:53

The reason we release not so often is that we ask a very strict release cycle from ourselves: We had some versions that shipped with critical bugs because new features where not properly tested. We want to avoid that which basically means a release needs a few weeks of cycle time. See for details.

Also releasing means to collect a build version from all maintainers which took a long time in the past. It has become much better with the current maintainers also providing nightlies, so they know how to build a version. Still, collecting the archives and uploading them, writing release mail/notifications, updating freshemeat, happypenguin, heise and whatnot takes a toll.

That said, I agree that it is unfortunate that we missed out on the latest ubuntu/debian cycles and I agree that we should take a look at those dates and acommodate for them IF possible. Priority has shipping a product that has not degraded in any way though.

Edit: the multiplayer scenarios are not finished, they need tweaking but we have little feedback so far and need people who are interested to work on them.

Edited: 2011-10-30, 20:54

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Joined: 2009-02-21, 18:17
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Posted at: 2011-11-01, 09:36

Unfortunally I have to cancel my WiHack participation. :( Just returned to Germany and found a whole bunch of work that has to be done immediatly. I am really sorry and unhappy about this decission, still there is no other way for me.

I wish you a lot of fun and productivity!

Cheers Peter

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Posted at: 2011-11-01, 10:17

ooh that is soo sad :(..... There is a lot of stuff to be decided and I was hoping for your input. And of course your hacking skill. Can't you at least make one day?

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