Map: 27 Islands becoming 3

Maps » 27 Islands becoming 3
27 Islands becoming 3


Starting with 27 islands falling together - when you find ways to pass through the rocks - to 3 huge islands. Are you unstoppable to manage all 3 islands under your control? Tipps: Start to find your dream island really fast and you wont find iron on your main island.


Essentially this is ''Crossing the horizon'', but playable with autocrat.

Comment by uploader:

I just committed small improvements

Basic Information:

Author: Kristin - edited by Björn alias the-x (and WorldSavior)
World: One World
Dimensions: 144 x 144
Max. Players: 4
Downloads: 762
Comments: 2

5.50 (2 Votes) Please log in to vote.

Upload: by WorldSavior at 2020-01-20, 17:31
This map requires a version of Widelands build 19 or newer!
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Comments on this Map:


a pretty good map to have an autocrat match involving ships.


Finally we have a good ship feature that make this map even better

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