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Map: Cristobal's Sea

Maps » Cristobal's Sea
Cristobal's Sea


A lot of empty land and resources to live on. Seafaring possible but not necessary.

Comment by uploader:

Huge map - too huge for my quite slow PC. A lot of land, a lot of time before running into enemies. (Maybe more then 8 enemies would be nice). As usual AI is too stupid and after about 2 hours begin to stagnate. Created and developed with barbarians in mind, though basic testing was done with other races as well. The landscape was created with fractal algorithm, I believe you will like it :) Comments welcomed.

Basic Information:

World: Greenland
Dimensions:512 x 512
Max. Players:8

6.67 (3 Votes) Please log in to vote.

Upload:by Tibor at 2014-03-07, 22:50
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Comments on this Map:


Mein Ding ist es nicht, da mir die Karte zu groß ist (nach 30 Std. habe ich aufgehört weil mir irgendwann die Motivation fehlt). Wer sowas aber mag kommt hier voll auf seine Kosten - der Gegner ist auch gut. Deshalb von mir trotzdem 10 Punkte.

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