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Map: Europa

Maps » Europa


A huge europe map. Blue = Sweden Red = Italy Yellow = Spain Green = Turkey Black = Russia Orange = England Purple = France White = Poland

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Basic Information:

World: Greenland
Dimensions:512 x 512
Max. Players:8
Upload:by Holloweye at 2014-11-20, 06:52
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Comments on this Map:


The map is great work! It is very hard to play for other nations than Barbarians (marble/ crystals needed), but still- great! The coastline at Baltic Sea is a bit different (as Polish I hoped to see the Hel's peninsula). Also the spaces between players are not equal. I have to play to check everything, but still- very impressive. Hope you will do more maps like this! This is second map I've noticed like that (first: Australia,


Marble/Crystals? I'm not sure what that is. You get it from mines? I only found Coal, Granite, Iron and Gold in the editor that I could place for mines. (I only played as barbarians so far).


Marble/Crystals can be found in Granite mines by Imperium/Atlanteans. So if it is correct what einstein13 said, you have to put more granite in the map.


Marble/ Crystals are "Granite" on the editor. For Empire it is one of base products to build (Wood. For Atlanteans it is very recomended (maybe any Atlanteans player will comment it?). Barbarians don't need Granite. Only near blue player I've found some of it on the mountains nearby.


Holloweye, you can run your map in AI-only game, look for worst performers and help them by adding missing resources or whatever a bottleneck is.


Can I remove this map somehow? I made a new version of it..

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