Map: Far small islands

Maps » Far small islands
Far small islands


Eight islands in the middle of the ocean. Each island has six harbor building sites, one harbor building site in each corner of the island. All islands are the same size and arranged evenly, so that the distance between the individual islands is as equal as possible. The starting position is in the middle of the island and due to its proximity to the coast, it is hardly protected from landings. Each island is sufficiently large and therefore offers sufficient building space.


Ports : 54 (6 per Island, 1 per Island Corner) , Artifacts : 1 (Center Island) , Mountain Resources : Many 5/5 , Trees : Many 5/5 , Rocks : Medium 3/5 , Animals : Many 4/5 , Fishes : Medium 3/5 (5 per Point) , Max ferry path length : None , Height steepness : Medium 3/5 , Big building Places : Medium 3/5

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Basic Information:

Author: Teayo
World: One World
Dimensions: 512 x 512
Max. Players: 8
Downloads: 302
Comments: 1
Upload: by Teayo at 2023-08-03, 17:53
This map requires a version of Widelands 1.2 or newer!
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