Map: Mountain Labyrinth

Maps » Mountain Labyrinth
Mountain Labyrinth


The gods who created this piece of landscape must be crazy. They proove your skills in naval warefare and managing a big economy with long transportation routes. They also try to madden you in this labyrinth of mountains.


Enabling Naval warefare is recommended. You have to sail the sea and build probably a lot of ports and shipyards until you reach your opponent. You might need to restrict the workarea of a shipyard by placing roads on the coast to force the shipbuilder to build ships on the wanted coast. The AI does not work very well on this map.

Comment by uploader:

Expect a long play time on this map...

This map is also available as an add-on.

Basic Information:

Author: kaputtnik
World: One World
Dimensions: 240 x 240
Max. Players: 4
Downloads: 289
Comments: 1
Upload: by kaputtnik at 2024-05-09, 16:40
This map requires a version of Widelands 1.2 or newer!
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Comments on this Map:


I recommend using the map from the addon, because it has some fixes in the sea connections and some more animals.

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