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Map: Neptune's Revenge 2.1

Maps » Neptune's Revenge 2.1
Neptune's Revenge 2.1


On their way home to defend the empire the crew of Lutius was surprised by the will of the gods.

Comment by uploader:

This is an unbalanced map where you need patience and speed to leave the small island. It was designed for a scenario which can be played by renaming _scripting to scripting again inside the archive. As it was designed to play against the AI it is to unfair in a networked game but might be fun in a deathmatch against the AI.

Change's to previous versions: Fixed a messageerror in the scripting. Modified the map to allow for better exploration of the southern island.

Note: if you play a version newer than trunk 8235 you need to change some line in the scripting have a look to the forum discussion "Scenario AI"

Really looking forward for feedback.

Basic Information:

World: One World
Dimensions:112 x 96
Max. Players:2
Upload:by hessenfarmer at 2017-01-30, 22:35
This map requires a version of Widelands build 19 or newer!
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Comments on this Map:


Auf der ganzen Karte gibt es nur Kohle und Gestein - voll die verarsche! Schade um die 7 vergeudeten Stunden . . .


Es gibt selbstverständlich Eisen und Gold auf der Karte. Allerdings handelt es sich hier um einen frühen Entwurf des 3. Imperiums Szenarios und die Karte ist eigentlich nicht als noirmales Singleplayer gedaccht.


Hello, I'm very new to the game and I have a question regarding this map. I'm stuck with reaching the last artifact. Here is a screenshot of the last artifact I need to recover (in the red circle):

I can't build any more buildings to expand my borders because there are no available spaces for them. There is a spot where I can build a fortress (yellow circle), but its area of influence is not enough to get to the artifact. Can you please give me some advice? I apologize if my question is rather dumb, but, as I said, I'm just a newbie face-tongue.png I would really like to finish this mission, and I like this map so much. Thank you for your time!

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