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Map: piggy in the middle

Maps » piggy in the middle
piggy in the middle


3 Player version of my maze (islands) map. P1 = east; P2 = west; and P3 = in the middle. Player 3 is surrounded by Gold, but only has limited coat & iron. Each of the players are (imho) challenging, P1 & P2 need to get to P3 before that player finds iron; P3 needs to find coal and iron before P1 or P2 reach the middle. Another problem for P3 is the lack of stone and stone ore in the middle. Enjoy! face-smile.png


Players 1 & 2: follow the path towards the centre; that's where the gold is. Player 3 needs to find coal & iron...

Comment by uploader:

This is a variation on one of my mazes. It is similar to islands6 (which I uploaded 2018-02-15), this version has the islands joined and the "rivers" narrowed to about 2 wide.

Players 1 & 2 have plenty of resources, except gold; Player 3 has plenty of gold (but no other minerals or stone nearby).

I have uploaded a jpg map to imgur (website), the url is

Basic Information:

Author:Stephen Peter
World: One World
Dimensions:144 x 144
Max. Players:3

8.50 (2 Votes) Please log in to vote.

Upload:by Speter at 2020-01-16, 07:01
This map requires a version of Widelands build 19 or newer!
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Comments on this Map:


Ist mal was Anderes, aber ein Mal reicht dann auch. Man ist halt nur dabei sich durch den ganzen Irrgarten zu "bauen" (dauert ewig) um dann festzustellen daß die KI-Gegner Nullen sind. Mensch gegen Mensch ist vielleicht interessanter.

Und daß Player 3 nur Gold hat stimmt nicht - direkt daneben gibt es Kohle und Eisen. Noch nie selber gespielt???


Thanks for the comment, Kralle.

Did you try Player 3? The coal and iron is not "right next to it", the <u>gold</u> is right next to it! To get to the coal, iron and stone-ore the player must expand around the gold areas, which takes a while (and can be difficult without access to stone); and there is always the possibility that P1 or P2 could reach the iron before or soon after Player 3, in which case P3 would be in for big trouble.

I haven't played P3 as Empire (which needs stone columns for lots of buildings), but I have played P3 as an Atlantean and I found it challenging to extract materials from the stone-ore, before P1 or P2 got to the middle. It does depend on the AI though, in one game both P1 and P2 did not expand very far which meant that P3 had an easy win.

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