Map: The islands of the eight tribes

Maps » The islands of the eight tribes
The islands of the eight tribes


THIS MAP IS DESIGNED FOR A LONG PLAYTIME!!! 8 tribes, 3 Islands and lots of resources. You have a big advantage in creating colonies and using ferries, but it is not necessary to defeat other players. If you want to fight against players later, you can turn off the last 4 players.

Comment by uploader:

THIS MAP IS DESIGNED FOR A LONG PLAYTIME!!! 8 tribes, 3 Islands and lots of resources. You have a big advantage in creating colonies and using ferries, but it is not necessary to defeat other players. If you want to fight against players later, you can turn off the last 4 players.

Basic Information:

Author: Nytren
World: One World
Dimensions: 304 x 304
Max. Players: 8
Downloads: 601
Comments: 2
Upload: by Nytren at 2022-07-10, 20:38
This map requires a version of Widelands 1.0 or newer!
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Comments on this Map:


Thanks for this great map, enjoyed it a lot! Looks the AI can cope very well with this map, each AI opponent had managed to build some heros. Playtime: 9hrs. Wincondition: HQ-Hunter


A really enjoyable map, particularly for Atlanteans with their large mines. Thoughtful pinch points across land or over mountains and plenty of port spaces for expansion.

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