Map: The River

Maps » The River
The River


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Balanced Version

Basic Information:

Author: the-x
World: One World
Dimensions: 176 x 80
Max. Players: 2
Downloads: 439
Comments: 3
Upload: by the-x at 2022-09-12, 11:30
This map requires a version of Widelands 1.1 or newer!
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Comments on this Map:


balanced version


This map is lacking animals which will make it quite hard for e.g. EMP Some decoartions with dead trees, shells mushrooms etc. would be nice. Some swamp / sand at certain parts of the river would be nice, too.


I thought about it long time face-wink.png and came to an even better solution:

Fishes are almost infinite in the big lake and all the other lakes content of around 70 fishes, this gives an economic adequate production of food

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