Map: The-X

Maps » The-X


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Comment by uploader:

  • Individualle Disigned Landscapes

  • Every Startposition is unique but in total balanced

Valleys, Mountains and Rivers, this Map seems like a Real Landscape and it is indescribabel to play it with your favorite Widelands Civilization. Interesting in Diplomaty with 8 human or AI players.

Basic Information:

Author: the-x
World: One World
Dimensions: 176 x 176
Max. Players: 8
Downloads: 604
Comments: 3
Upload: by the-x at 2021-07-28, 20:37
This map requires a version of Widelands 1.0 or newer!
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Comments on this Map:


Individualle Disigned Landscapes Every Startposition is unique but in total balanced

  • Individualle Disigned Landscapes

  • Every Startposition is unique but in total balanced


Valleys, Mountains and Rivers, this Map seems like a Real Landscape and it is indescribabel to play it with your favorite Widelands Civilization

Interesting in Diplomaty with 8 human players or partly AI

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