Map: to make the desert bloom
The stories say that once our tribe lived in the fertile land to the west, where plants and crops grow and one does not need to dig deeply to find water. But the easy life made us weak and lazy. One day the invaders came from the sea, and they conquered and pillaged, and they cast us out of our land. The few survivors were forced to escape in the desert, where they have struggled to survive ever since. But the stories speak of hope. They tell of a wise leader that will come, one that will be able to tame the desert and build a mighty civilization over it. A leader that will somehow find in this barren place the resources to train a powerful army, and will lead it across the high passes into the fertile land that we were forced to flee generations ago, slaughter the invaders, who have grown soft in their comfort like we did before them, and claim that land once again as ours! Has that leader finally arrived?
- This is a solo challenge map, with the blue player strongly disadvantaged. - There is no coal in the desert; you have to sustain charcoal burners with the scant fertile land you have. That's the challenge. - Follow the water! Patches of fertile land indicate underground streams; follow them to find the oasis.
Comment by uploader:
For the first time, I made a map that is both a solo challenge and nice to look at. The original inspiration for this map was an idea about putting one's starting position is a desert and force him to deal with the lack of good terrain to grow trees. I even fancied putting a script that makes wells not produce except in a few chosen locations, and that will periodically drain water stored in your warehouses, and would kill your workers if there is not enough water, so that in the game you'd have to actively fight thirst. Alas, I don't even know how to start writing a script, so the idea remained in the back of my mind.
Then, at some point, wandering on google earth I came across the Tibesti mountains, in central Sahara. I was fascinated by how water interacted with the mountain desert environment; the dry desert air cools as it climbs the mountains, and the cold squeezes out what little moisture there is. The rain is quickly absorbed under the sand, but it keeps flowing underground, feeding a network of oasis in a radius of hundreds of kilometers. On the surface it's dry sand, but in some places the water comes close to the surface, giving rise to apparently inesplicable patches of vegetation in the middle of a dry valley. This merged with my previous idea, and so this map was conceived. Notice how the mountains where the blue player starts are volcanic in origin.
The idea was still that of actually making it out of the desert and conquering the tribe that had the better land. But why is there such a dry place and close to it one with abundant rains? Enter the big mountain range to cast a rain shadow, with the desert on the east and the fertile land to the west, near the sea. Since I had a mountain range near the sea, I decided to also add some fjords to it. I don't suppose it is possible to have a hot desert and fjords nearby - fjords only form near the poles, and in the time the continental drift bring them to the tropics, the fjords are wheatered down. Still, they look nice. You can pretend it's a cold desert, like the mongolian steppe, if you like a more consistent explanation. The two big rivers uniting near the mouth to form an even bigger river is inspired by the Shatt al-Arab, and the delta by the Po delta.
As a challenge map, it's fairly easier than my other maps. You need to be good to win, but unlike my most recent challenges (no metal challenge and concentric rings) this map is not made to take an extremely strong player and make him curse at the monitor for days of trial and error.
Yes, this map even has bonus content! I had two ideas for the map description. I ended up choosing the one most, well, descriptive. Here are parts that were cut from the description.
1) "Your land was conquered by a terrible invader. You survived by escaping into the inhospitable desert. You have no food, no water, limited supplies. What do you do?
a) I die
b) I try to find water, I fail, I die.
c) I try to eat a snake, I get bitten, I die.
d) I curse at whoever put me in this situation, then I die.
e) I manage to find water and food and shelter. After living like that for years, I realize how crappy it is and that I'd have been better off dead. I suicide.
f) I die
g) I go to the invaders and beg them for mercy. They take me as a slave, and eventually I die.
h) I tame the desert, adapt to live in it, gather resources from it, build an advanced civilization, raise a mighty army, lead it against the invaders, get defeated and killed in battle.
i) As above, but I win. Then I wake up and realize it was only a sunstroke-fueled allucination.
j) I pick up a spear, cover my face with a black veil and go fight the invader that has no honor. I die because I'm just a poser.
k) I die"
2) "After you win, wonder about the morality of kiling a man and taking the land where he's lived since he was born, just because his remote ancestors did the same to your ancestors one or two centuries before. Yes, you figured it. You bastard."
Basic Information:
Author: | King of nowhere |
World: | One World |
Dimensions: | 304 x 208 |
Max. Players: | 2 |
Downloads: | 1174 |
Comments: | 7 |
Rating: | |
Upload: | by king_of_nowhere at 2016-03-09, 14:32 |
Comments on this Map:
king_of_nowhere |
yes, it is. i wanted the blue player to be able to take his time. |
Granada |
This makes the map very easy to win, but a bit boring while having to wait until your (blue) soldiers are fully equipped. |
king_of_nowhere |
as i mentioned in the description, this map is much easier than my other challenges. so yes, it is very easy to win if you are one of those capable of winning the great escape (which you are). on the other hand, for most players it is not easy enough charcoal to overtake the blue player's production, ever. and now that there are some extra difficulty options available (one of the settings will give the ai a regular amount of wares over time) it can be played at a greater difficulty too. but mostly, my main reason for making the map that way is that i grew attached to the story of the people chased into thr desert and rebuilding there a civilization. acccording to this story, the invaders from the sea had no interest in going into the desert, so i didn't want the blue player to try it. |
Kralle |
Wie beschrieben gibt es für den "Blauen" keine Kohle und nur kleinste Grünflächen um Kohle selber herzustellen. Das bedeutet daß man seine Soldaten kaum aufrüsten kann (außer man läßt das Spiel 2 Tage nebenher laufen). Nach 6 Stunden war ich beim Feind mit ca. 30% aufgerüstete Soldaten und stehe einem Heer (!) super ausgerüsteter Gegner gegenüber. Nina Hagen würde sagen: hast ´ne Macke??? Schade um die vergeudete Zeit . . . |
WorldSavior |
Just play stronger |
niektory |
I've beaten this map with Frisians. I like the backstory and theme of this map. But because you can take as much time as you want to build up, it's not difficult, just long. Unless you build a military building close to the enemy and let them conquer it, bringing the fight to you. Then you may be in trouble! I spent too much time conquering the entire desert, which was pretty pointless as most of it is useless ^^; I also wasted one of the oases for fruit farms before realizing that fruits grow just fine on dry sand. |
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Is it intentional that the red player cannot expand past the mountains into the desert and therefore reach blue?